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dc.contributor.authorSuparto, Irma Herawati
dc.contributor.authorSulistiawati, Erni
dc.contributor.authorPraseto, Bayu Febram
dc.contributor.authorTriwahyuni, Wulan
dc.contributor.authorPrabandari, Sylvia
dc.contributor.authorParamastri, Yasmina
dc.descriptionProceedings of International Conference on Medicinal Plantsen
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) fruit is widely used as an alternative medicine for diabetic condition. However, its mechanism of action has not been further studied. The objective of this research is to iJ)ve~tigate the insulinotropic effect of mahkota dewa fruit extract in streptozotocin-induccd diabetic cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Diabetes was induced by single intravenous injection of streptozotocin 55 mg/kg body weight. Animals were randomly divided into three groups and.5 animals in each group receiving treatment orally once a day in the morning before meal time for 7 days. The first treatment group as control received distilled water, the second and third group given mahkot(l dewa extract tablet of 500 mg/kg and 100 mglkg, respectively. Fasting blood glucose concentration was monitored daily. Plasma insulin.concentration and total pcells pancreas was analyzed at the end of the study. After one week of treatment, fasting blood glucose <;:oncentration was not different in all three groups (ANOY A p>O.05). There was a trend of increased insulin concentmtion in animals receiving extracts compared 'to control animals. The total pcells pancreas was highest in groups receiving extract of 100 mg/kg body compared to the other two groups CANOVA p <0.05) The conclusion of this study is mahkota dewa fruit extract improved pcells pancre-as but not sufficient to reduced fasting blood glucose concentration. This can be due of the short treatment timeen
dc.description.sponsorshipFakultas Farmasi, Universitas Widya Mandala Katholiken
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJuli 2010;Vol. 1
dc.subjectstreptozotocin-induced diabetic cynomolgus monkeysen
dc.titlePhaleria macrocarpa fruit axtract as insulinotropic agent in streptozotocin-induced diabetic cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)en

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