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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Budi
dc.contributor.authorFitri, Mia Dwi
dc.description.abstractBTN Bank is a bank that focuses on housing loans. BTN Bank are fulfilling their IPO on December 27, 2009. In order to evaluate their success of the IPO, the performance seen based economic value added that BTN has been created. The aims of this research are: (1) analyze the growth of capital structure BTN Bank and COC (cost of capital) generated before and after the IPO, (2) analyze the financial performance of BTN Bank growth by comparing the value of economic value added (EVA) before and after the IPO, and (3) analyze the impact of the IPO to the cost of equity and the resulting impact on EVA (economic value added) Bank BTN. There are three result from this study. First, the percentage of the average amount of capital structure (long-term debt and equity) Bank BTN after IPO has discreas and the cost of capita Bank BTN after IPO has increase. Second, economic value added (EVA) of Bank BTN after IPO has decreased. Third, IPO of BTN Bank in 2009 resulted the value of cost of equity increases and it has significant effect on economic value added (EVA) Bank BTN after the IPOen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectEconomic Value Addeden
dc.subjectCost of Equityen
dc.subjectCapital Structureen
dc.titleKajian dampak initial public offering terhadap economic value added PT Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbken

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