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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.authorSusilohadi, Genadi Nur
dc.description.abstractBrand is the true form of consumer’s trust. In market competition, every company tries to build a strong brand while confronting other product’s brand simultaneously. This conditionis mostly seen in fast moving consumer goods product market. But in today's market competition, brand became very fragile and easily damaged by brand threats, sourced from within and outside the company. In order to survive the existing a strategy to defend and respond to those threats and create a resilient brand is ultmately needed. The objective of this research is to define a brand resilience strategy that focus to respond and prevent emerging threats that may result brand switching. The research on Cimory pasteurised milk shows that flavor, quality, and availability was the three main reason of brand switching and during the study, a quality assurance threat has been detected emerging from the consumer. Thus brand resilience strategy is formulated to focus on overcoming the threats that emerges from quality assurance matters and building the brand to be resilient against such threats. The 7 steps for building a resilient brand are assessingbrand risk, galvanizingbrand troops, deployingBrand Risk Early Warning system, repel attacks on brand, learn and adapt brand awareness, measure and track Brand Resilience, and lastly generate popular support.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectbrand resilienceen
dc.subjectbrand switchingen
dc.subjectfast moving consumer goodsen
dc.titleFormulasi Strategi Brand Resilience Berdasarkan Perilaku Brand-Switching pada Susu Pasteurisasi Cimoryen

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