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dc.contributor.advisorDamayanthi, Evy
dc.contributor.advisorUsmiati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorRukmana, Rahayu Kania
dc.description.abstractLow fat soft cheese usually have low textures and scents. Resistant starch as fat imitate can be used to improve the texture of cheese, while the enzyme lipase is known serves to break down or hydrolyze milk fat and give the flavor of cheese. The purpose of this research is to study the use of sago resistant starch and lipase enzymes for physicochemical and organoleptic characterization of low-fat soft cheese. In this study, the treatment was of cheese using sago resistant starch, cheese using lipase enzyme, cheese using a combination of increased sago resistant starch and lipase enzyme, and control cheese as a comparison. Hedonic test results for low fat soft cheese indicated that the percentage of acceptance the taste, the texture, the smell, the aroma of chewable, texture press, color, and general acceptance ranges between 22 %-94 % and the best treatment is cheese using lipase enzyme. The best low fat soft cheese had total lipid content is 21.9 % (dry basis), higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids linoleic (41.19 %) and linolenic (3.85 %), so that it have potential to decrease total trigliserida and cholesterol blood levels at who someone has lipid blood content syndrome (hyperlipidemic).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectlow hyperlipidemicen
dc.subjectsago resistant starchen
dc.subjectlow fat soft cheeseen
dc.subjectunsaturated fatty aciden
dc.titlePengaruh Penggunaan Pati Sagu Resisten dan Enzim Lipase terhadap Karakterisasi Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Keju Lunak Rendah Lemaken

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