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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Budi
dc.contributor.authorPangestuti, Rinda Siaga
dc.description.abstractThe enhancement trends of Islamic financing bank happen until the end of September 2011. According to Dr. Rifki Ismal, growth of Islamic banking assets at the end of Septermber 2011 reached Rp 234.4 billion, Third Party Funds (DPK) reached Rp 97.8 billion and Rp 92.8 billion.3 One of the actor of Islamic finance in Indonesia is Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI). BMI continues to expand its financing business by making some kind of financial products that have different target markets and procedure and policy. From those financing products, there is one type of product that attracts lots of consumers because it does not require collateral fixed assets, namely “Anggota Koperasi” (cooperative members financing). Despite a lot of interest, but this financing product is very risky because of the executing system, cessie, and unsecured fixed assets. The purposes of the research are: 1) To identify the strategies that can be undertaken by BMI to address and minimize losses due to the emergence of risks associated with this type of financing. 2) To analyze the value of losses that can be expected (expected loss) and the loss that can not be estimated (unexpected loss) on “Anggota Koperasi” portfolio at BMI Bogor Branch. 3) To analyze the value of economic capital to be provided by BMI Branch Bogor to cover losses that can not be predicted (unexpected loss). 4) To analyze the suitability of CreditRisk+ method to measure the risk of “Anggota Koperasi” financing by used the Poisson distribution model. The types of data that used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained from interviews with account managers and secondary data obtained from proof sheet of the “Anggota Koperasi” financing BMI Bogor Branch, BMI annual reports, and theses. Based on the mapping of risk, at least BMI has to do mitigate the operational risks, liquidity risks, credit risks, legal risks, and strategic risks. Based on the results of CreditRisk+ data processing methods is known that the value of expected loss in 2009 is Rp 2,159,808,000 and in 2010 is Rp 563,119,000. Expected loss value in 2009 is Rp 3.513.600.000 and in 2010 is Rp Economic capital value in 2009 is Rp 1.353.792.000 and 2010 is Rp 490.981.000. The CreditRisk+ validation as a mothod of this reseach will be tested by using Longlikelihood Ratio (LR) Test. The result or LR Test is valid because it proved that the Chi Square critical value with α = 5% was higher than the LR Test = 0.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecteconomic valueen
dc.subjectunexpected lossen
dc.subjectexpected lossen
dc.subjectkind of risksen
dc.subjectRisk measurementen
dc.subjectLR Testen
dc.subjectAnggota Koperas ien
dc.titleAnalisis Pengukuran Risiko Pada Penyaluran Pembiayaan Anggota Koperasi Melalui Koperasi Karyawan Sebagai Executing Agent (Studi Kasus: PT Bank Muamalat Tbk Cabang Bogor).en

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