Sintesis poliol sebagai bahan dasar pembentuk poliuretan berbasis minyak jarak pagar
Sugita, Purwantiningsih
Mas'ud, Zainal Alim
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III the recent .vears, l'egetable oil based polvol is an alterllative po~vol that hare been developed as bio-based prodllct lhat call reduce the widespread dependellce Oil the petrolelllll/eed stocks. A stud ... on po~vol s)'lIfhesis ,li-om Jatropha curca.\' oil was cOllducted. The objectives of tlds research were to create a polvol ,li-O/n Jatropha cllrcas oil ria epoxidation process followed by opening rillg reactioll 0/ epoxidized Jatropha cllreas oil (EJP). The epoxidation ofJatropha cllrcas oil was carried alit with ill-silll peroxoacetic acid/ormatioll ill the present 0/Amberlite IR120 catalrSI, at 70ve for 12 hOllrs, The opening rillg reaction of EJO were COlldllcted b.-v mriatioll ofacrylic acid (A A) to E.!P ratio (J.4%. 29%. and 4.3%), pereelltage oftriethylamille (Of!;:;, 1%, r"(), and 3~ii} and tillle reaetiOIl (60, J20, 180. (llId 240 lIlillllle) at 50ve The resII lIs s/ul\t'el/ Ihat Ihe pO/rol/wl'e hydro,n/l1l1mher arol1nd 70,234 134,915 mg KOHlg with al'erage 97.418 I1Ig KOHIg. The IInlroyvl 1I11111ber increasc sigllificalltlv \I'itll th(' addilioll of O;,AA alld '% triethylamil1e, cOl/l'erselv increasing reaction time h(/1'c il1ferior impact on Ille hydroxvlnlllnhcr oj' po~vol.
- Chemistry [143]