Profil Kelarutan Limbah Minyak Berat Akibat Penambahan Bahan Pencampur
Anas, Iswandi
Mas'ud, Zainal Alim
Syahreja, Ahmad
Wanodyanti, Niken Dyah
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Heavy Oil Waste (HOWj is on ofthe most importallt petroeum .t'Gste, In the recent years, many contamination ofsoil or water hy HOW hCll'e heL'11 /,L'ported Biorel11ediatiot1 is ol1e oOlle altL'rnatil'e technology to clean the HOW contaminated soil since it is cllviromel1lallv Fiend~I', e(lective, 4jiciel1l and low cost. The contaminated soil is diluted in water to form bioslurn', HOl1'el'er, the solubility olHOHi ill H'ater is vel'\' low, To increase HO W solllbility ill water, addition oj/our mixing agents "rae tested namely: Sodium Tripol)phosphate (STPP), Carboxymethyl cellulose (CAfC), q1lart sand and pumice stone. The main characteristics ofHOW were solid TPH was 17.2%, water content was 1.96% and Cu and Hg content was 1.49 ppm and 3.33 ppb. respectiveh'. The parameters determined were turbidity, solid TPH. liquid TPH pH and COD. The results showed that (l) the highest turhiditv was in the STPP addition; (2) the lowest solid TPH was in the addition ofpumice stone; (3) the highest liquid TN! was in the STPP addition;(4) the pH varied fi'om 3.6 to 7.9; (5) the ghigest COD was in the addition ofSTP? From these results it can he coneluded that the best mixing agent to increase the solubility olHOW in soil slurry was STPP.
- Chemistry [143]