Production of semiconductor materials silicon from silica rice husk waste as alternative silicon sources
Rice is one of the most important culti\'ated plants in human civilization. Rice production ranks third in the world of all cerealia after maize and wheal. According to Central Agency Statistics of Indonesia. production of rice in 2010 would reach 54 million tons. Hence, it would appear that the main agricultural waste generated trom rice is the rice husk, Rice husk \\aste has been widely used as an alternative energy source: one of them is as a fuel. Since 1997 IPB has produced rice husk stove that burned fuel from rice husk. Utilization of rice husk was producing other wastes. namely charcoal husk, According to the research before, this waste contains 80% -90% of silica, and thus has the potential to produce silicon that can be used as a semieonductor material. This research used dry and wet chemistry method to rroduce silicon, First step involved is ashing of the charcoal husk at four temperatures i,e, 700"C, 800nC, 900°(', and 1000°C, leaching the ash with HCI 3% for 2 hour, reducing silica with Mg at the temperature of 650°C and continued with leaching the residue using He!. H2S04• HF. Analysis methods used were the XRD. and SEM-EDS, According to XRD \nalysis. hkl silicon appears in (III) (220) (311 J (400) (331), This study succeeded in i'rnducing silicon from waste rice husk with degrees of crystallinity i,e, 98.31 %,96.82%, ,lith purit~ 01'67,82% and 79.17% respectively,
- Chemistry [143]