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dc.contributor.authorSukarno, Nampiah
dc.contributor.authorAini, Al-Azhariati
dc.contributor.authorSumarna, Vivi
dc.contributor.authorRohaeti, Eti
dc.contributor.authorDarusman, Latifah Kosim
dc.descriptionJournal of Mushroom Science and Productionen
dc.description.abstractThe ohjectives of this experiment were to stud~ the growth and development of fruiting hod~' of the two Ga1l0derllla Illcidlllll isolates on log of the soft wood Parl/serial/tltes fa/cataria and the hard wood S/wrea sp., and determination of organic germanium and crude ganoderic acid content of the fruiting body produced. The two Gal/odeI'll/a lucidlllli isolates used were one Indonesian native (Indonesia isolate) and another isolate was purchased from Fungi Perfecti, llSA (commercial isolate). The dCYelopment and qualit~, of the primordium and fruiting hody of the mushroom. in general, were influenced h~' the isolates used. The types of wood. howner, had no eflect on the qualit~, of the primordium and fruiting body produced. The Indonesian isolate produced hetter fruiting hody compared to that of the commercial isolate. The development of fruiting hody from primordium, however. was low for the two isolates tested. In general. only ahout one third of the primordium developed further into mature fruiting hod iI's, except for the commercial isolate grown on the soft wood medium in which more than 60'7( of the primordium developed into mature fruiting hody. Apart from producing normal fruiting bod~, the commercial isolate also produced an ahnormal one, which had a white mature pileus. whereas the normal one was brownish red. The organic germanium concentration of the fruiting body produced on the hard wood. in general, was higher than that of grown on the soft wood. The fruiting hody from commercial isolate had higher organic germanium concentration compared to that of Indonesian isolate in both wood types. The two isolates used, however. had almost the same yalue of the crude ganoderic acid concentration in hoth types of wood tested. The Indonesian isolate had higher total yield of hoth organic germanium and crude ganoderic acid ofthe fruiting hody produced compared to that of the commercial isolate.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeptember 2004;Vol.2, No.3
dc.subjectGanoderma lucidumen
dc.subjectParaserianthes falcatariaen
dc.titleDevelopment of Ganoderma lcuidum on Soft and Hard Wood Logs and Determination of Organic Germanium and Ganoderic Acid Content of the Fruiting Body Produceden

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