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dc.contributor.advisorTrison, Soni
dc.contributor.authorFanuzia, Art Fudlaili
dc.description.abstractThe development and management of community forests in fact now is facing some problems. One of them is related to the selection of seed. The seeds that farmers can get, have modest quality. On the other hand, the choice of good quality tree is determined by the quality of the good seed. In addition to seed selection in community forest management, we should also consider how the farmers run their community forests, therefore this study aims are: 1) to explain the conditions of community forest management at the study site, and 2) to describe the considerations of the tree species which planted by farmers. This study takes place at Bojonggedang Village, Rancah Sub District, Ciamis Regency. The method for selecting respondents is purposive sampling method, with total respondents are 30 peoples. The results of this study indicate that the process of forest management by farmers are: 1) preparation of land, 2) planting, and 3) maintenance with undetermined frequency. Farmers are not doing harvesting activities by themself, they submitted on middlemen for both logging and timber transportation. Processing of forest products by farmers only for personal consumption, not for sale. Economic consideration is a primary consideration in determining the type of tree seed that will be planted. It can be seen from the factor type of seed that produce faster; easier access to markets; and the stability of the selling price of these types.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttree choiceen
dc.subjectdecision makingen
dc.subjectCommunity forest managementen
dc.titleKajian Pengambilan Keputusan Pemilihan Jenis Pohon dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat (Kasus di Desa Bojonggedang, Kecamatan Rancah, Kabupaten Ciamis)en

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