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Steganografi pada File DNA Berformat Fasta dengan Metode DNA Rekombinan

dc.contributor.advisorNeyman, Shelvie Nidya
dc.contributor.advisorAndrianto, Dimas
dc.contributor.authorRamadhan, Arif
dc.description.abstractSteganography is a technique of inserting information into a media. This technique focuses on removing suspicion of storage media messages. Hiding information with this technique usually is performed in media images, sounds, and text documents. Those media are already common for use as storage media messages, which has low capacity and stood by people. This is a problem that will lead to greater suspicion on such media.The solution is then offered to find new media that has a high level of random, hard to understand and has a large capacity. This study discussed the application of steganography in the media Fasta-formatted file of DNA using recombinant DNA. Insertion was done by replacing certain parts of DNA sequences of DNA on file with the message. The message that would be inserted first converted into the form of DNA sequences.The performance of the insertion of messages with recombinant DNA method was tested by analyzing the properties of steganography that were imperceptible, fidelity, recovery and analysis of safety. Testing the quality of a DNA file was done by using BLAST as a tool to determine the similarity of DNA sequences located on the internet. The results showed that the insertion of recombinant DNA method provides a vague presence of a message, to make the process of extracting the message and producing good quality media. Thus steganography in Fasta-formatted file of DNA using recombinant DNA method is a good solution as the new media that has a high level of random.en
dc.subjectDNA recombinanten
dc.titleText Steganography in Fasta-formatted File of DNA using Recombinant DNA Methoden
dc.titleSteganografi pada File DNA Berformat Fasta dengan Metode DNA Rekombinan

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