Geographical Information System for Human Acitivity Pattern with Spatio-Temporal Data Modelling
Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pola Aktivitas Manusia dengan Pemodelan Data Spatio-Temporal
The human activity in a given time period will shape its pattern. This research develops a spatiotemporal data model to support the prediction of human existence based on activity-pattern and also visualizes the activity locations in a GIS environment. This so-called mobility oriented spatiotemporal data model conceptualizes the spatial and temporal interaction of activity behaviour using the concept of mobility. In other words, activity patterns are conceptualized as a sequence of staying at or traveling between activity locations. The model can support the analysis and queries of activities from different perspectives, i.e. queries can be time-oriented, person-oriented, activity-oriented, and location-oriented. A prototype system based on the activity data modelling is implemented in MySQL 5.0.27 as DBMS with using PhpMyAdmin software. Spatial database is developed with using software QuantumGIS and ArcView. The system could be accessed online through a web browser with MySQL as its database storage and Pmapper framework as the tools used in visualizing the activity locations.The information were provided in the form of activity attribute-data as the user requested and graphical-data (map) which contains information about its activity locations.
- UT - Computer Science [2334]