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Study on the relationship between the development pattern of plantation implemetation of cultivation techniques on oil falm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantation in Kuantan Singingi regency Riau

dc.contributor.advisorYahya, Sudirman
dc.contributor.advisorWachjar, Ade
dc.contributor.authorItal, Udin
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research were to study about : (1) land suitability and land productivity for oil palm, and (2) differences in patterns of oil palm smallholder and the differences in the application of cultivation technique of each ethnic. The research was conducted in Singingi District and Singingi Hilir District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The districts were choosen based on consideration that both districts were dominanced by oil palm smallholder, existed Nucleus Estate Smallholders (NES), Patterns of Member’s Primary Cooperation Credit (KKPA), and self funding patterns. Research was carried out from April 2010 to October 2011. Land suitability classes in three development pattern is the S3 class with the limiting factor of nutrient retention (CEC and pH) and low availability of Nitrogen. Productivity of the three development patterns had many differences. The differences closely related with the application of cultivation techniques, both between ethnic and pattern of development. The differences e.g. the seeds that used by smallholder farmers were unknown origin, so the thickness of the shell showed that most of farm organizations used dura varieties. Smallholder and plasma farmers did not optimal in maintenance of oil palm plantations, in terms of fertilization, pruning, weed control, and pest control. Fertilizers that used by the nucleus, plasma and smallholder farmers were urea, SP-36 and KCl. They did not use organic fertilizer. Application of fertlizer was by sown/spreading on the soil around the circle. Pruning in the nucleus done optimally while in plasma and smallholder farmers was not optimal and only done once a year (not performed optimally). Pests and diseases that often arises is the nettle caterpillar. Farmers face difficulty in controlling this nettle caterpillars pest because the target out of reach. Observations showed that unharvested ripe fruit in plantation still higher compared with plasma and small-holder farmers. Otherwise the self-supporting plantation, unripe fruit has been harvested.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectoil palmen
dc.subjectdevelopment patternen
dc.subjectcultivation techniqueen
dc.titleKajian hubungan antara pola pengembangan perkebunan rakyat dan penerapan teknik budidaya kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) di kabupaten Kuantan Singingi propinsi Riauid
dc.titleStudy on the relationship between the development pattern of plantation implemetation of cultivation techniques on oil falm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantation in Kuantan Singingi regency Riauen

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