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Formulasi Cookies Fungsional Berbasis Tepung Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) dengan Fortifikasi Mikrokapsul Fe dan Zn.

dc.contributor.advisorMarliyati, Sri Anna
dc.contributor.authorGantohe, Tommy Marcelino
dc.description.abstractThe objectiveof this research was to learn the formulation of functional cookies based on Channa striata flour with fortification of Fe and Zn microcapsule. In the first step four formulation of cookies with fish flour, 0% (F1), 10% (F2), 15% (F3) dan 20% (F4) was made based on Dewi (2011) with some modification. The result of these formulations were tested by 30 respondent, using hedonic test. The acceptability of respondent to addition of fish flour in cookies were not significantly different on taste, aroma, color, and overall of the cookies (p >0,05) but significantly different on texture of the cookies (p<0,05). Based on some consideration F2 was chosen to be fortificant carrier. The microcapsulation was done with spray dryer by using Fe Sulphate and Zinc Sulphate as base product. The microcapsule wasmeasured by AAS to determine the Fe and Zn content. The rendement of the process was 100 % for Fe and 85% for Zn. This microcapsule was fortified into the cookies on four levels, 0% RDA of Fe and Zn (F1), 25% RDA of Fe and Zn (F2), 50% RDA of Fe and Zn (F3), and100% RDA of Fe and Zn (F4). The fortified cookies were tested by 30 respondent on organoleptic test. The acceptablility of respondent to the addition of fish flour in cookies were not significantly different on taste, aroma, color, texture and overall of the cookies (p>0,05). Bioavaillability test showed that F3 with 50% RDA of Fe and Zn had the highest minerals bioavaillabilty, 41,80% (Zn) and 76,32% (Fe). F3 was Choosen as the best formula. The nutrient content of F3 were 2,73% of water, 2,08% of ashes, 13,34% of proteins,24,53% of fats, 57,32% of carbohydrates, 503 Kcal of energy, 11,17% of Fe and 8,83% of Zn,and also the digestibility of proteins on F3 was 78,45%.en
dc.description.abstractData Riskesdas 2010 menunjukkan bahwa persentase anak dengan konsumsi energi dan protein kurang dari 70% AKG adalah 33,4%, dari jumlah tersebut 24,8% berada pada kelompok umur 4-6 tahun. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2007 diperkirakan 7% anak balita Indonesia (sekitar 300 000 jiwa) meninggal setiap tahun dan 170.000 balita (60%) di antaranya akibat gizi buruk (Kementrian Kesehatan RI 2007). Selain KEP data Riskesdas tahun 2010 menginformasikan bahwa kekurangan zat gizi mikro di Indonesia yang serius dan masih kurang mendapat perhatian, adalah kurang vitamin A, Gangguan Akibat Kurang Iodium (GAKI) dan kurang zat besi yang disebut Anemia Defisisensi Besi. Defisiensi zat gizi besi memerlukan perhatian khusus sebab pola kejadiannya tidak langsung terlihat namun pergerakannya cepat. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa pada 1.000 anak sekolah di 11 provinsi di Indonesia terdapat prevalensi anemia sebanya 20–25% (Rossana 2009). Defisiensi besi pada bayi dan anak mempunyai dampak negatif seperti terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kecerdasan, penurunan kinerja sistem imun tubuh sehingga mudah terinfeksi penyakit, bahkan jika terjadi dalam waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas otak (Rossana 2009). Pendekatan yang bisa dilakukan dalam mengatasi dan mencegah masalah ini yaitu pembuatan suatu produk pangan yang memiliki kandungan protein tinggi dan dilengkapi dengan mineral. Mannar (2002) menyatakan bahwa fortifikasi pangan merupakan upaya yang paling berhasil dalam menanggulangi masalah defisiensi mikronutrien seperti Fe dan Zn di negara berkembang.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectChanna Striataen
dc.subjectFe and Znen
dc.titleThe Formulation of Functional Cookies Based on Channa striata Flour with Fortification of Fe and Zn Microcapsuleen
dc.titleFormulasi Cookies Fungsional Berbasis Tepung Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) dengan Fortifikasi Mikrokapsul Fe dan Zn.

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