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Dampak Program Pembaharuan Agraria Nasional (PPAN) Terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi dan Ekologi Masyarakat Lokal

dc.contributor.advisorDharmawan, Arya Hadi
dc.contributor.authorNingtyas, Pitaloka Maharani Kusuma
dc.description.abstractLand has been subject to conflict over the past decade. The availability of land for agriculture or farming is limited. The most crusial legal disputes related to the land among people are: ownership and accesibility. Regarding to those legal disputes, Indonesian government has legalized National Agrarian Reform Program (PPAN) as one of solutions. The objectives of this research are: (1) to compare the social-economic condition of communities before and after the National Agrarian Reform Program (PPAN); (2) to know the alteration of land placement (3) to explore the differences of perception from local communities about PPAN. This research was using qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative method was supported by in-depth interview for collecting data. In the other hand, quessionaire used to be a research instrument to support quantitative method. There were 60 respondents who got PPAN program in this research which selected by purposive sampling technique. The results of this research show that the income of people who lived in Pangradin 1 and Pangradin 2 is little bit different in its composition especially viewed from agricultural sector. The socialeconomic condition before and after PPAN try to be analized from people’s income. The income of people, generally stable both before and after PPAN but has change in its composition only as stated before in the above sentence. The alteration of land status after PPAN found to be unique that indicated by the change of land ownership. The land ownership status previously was authorized by private sector or usually called as land consession which rights to engage in an enterprise. But recently, after PPAN program, the land is owned independently by people in Pangradin. This research also found the differences of perception between people who lived in Pangradin 1 and Pangradin 2 about PPAN. The differences of perception obviously caused by the divergence of PPAN implementation that led to the new latent conflict between local people and their government.en
dc.subjectSocial Economic Conditionen
dc.titleImpact Of The National Agrarian Reform Program (Ppan) In The Social Economic And Ecological Condition Of Local Communities. Case Study: Pangradin Village, Jasinga District, Bogor Regency.en
dc.titleDampak Program Pembaharuan Agraria Nasional (PPAN) Terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi dan Ekologi Masyarakat Lokal

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