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Studi Evaluasi Program Pemberdayaan Petani Melalui Teknologi dan Informasi Pertanian (P3TIP) di Kabupaten Serang (Kasus: Desa Ciruas, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten)

dc.contributor.advisorMugniesyah, Siti Sugiah
dc.contributor.authorPermesti, Lingga
dc.description.abstractThe result of previous study on FEATI, especially regarding the introduction of PTT innovation among the paddy community, are lack of attention on the assessment of the project‟s outputs in the individual and household levels as well as in the farmer‟s institution level. This study demonstrates that of the total of 45 farmers who participated on the FEATI in Ciruas Village, the majority of them are low in their formal and non formal educational level, while their communication pattern is localit. Almost half of them belong to medium category of the social stratification (the average of land holding size was about 0.25 to 0.5 Ha). As most of them are sharecroppers, the PTT farmer‟s household are belong to the poor household. This study found that the majority of the farmers was in the medium category of their attitude regarding the PTT. However, the training on PTT‟s paddy Cultivation caused the majority of PTT‟s farmers participated on agricutural extension programes which was facilitated by UP-FMA and Gapoktan were in high category. This, in turn led to the fact that the majority of the PTT‟s farmers were high category on their knowledge on PTT. It is not followed, however, with the high level of their attitude and practice on PTT, as the majority of the farmers were on the medium category on the two aspects, 56 percent and 49 percent respectively. Further, this situation led to the fact that the majority (69 percet) of farmers were low in the level of their rice productivity and household income as well. Interestingly, however, this study found that the training of PTT‟s Paddy Cultivation facilitated the achievement of the project‟s objectives which is the higher the knowledge of farmers on PTT, the more positive their attitude on PTT, and in turn the higher the implementation of the PTT. The higher the three variables of individual project ouputs the higher the household project outputs. As this study also found that the UP-FMA and Gapoktan are still low in their performance, accordingly, the Badan Penyuluhan dan Ketahanan Pangan (BPKP) should increase their effort to empower the UP-FMA and Gapoktan Harum Mekar so the two farmer organizations could improve their capability to help their members (farmer groups) to increase their household income by developing agribusiness and business partnerships as mandated on the objective of the FEATI.en
dc.subjectCharacteristics of Farmersen
dc.subjectIndividual and Household Project‟s Outputsen
dc.subjectUP-FMA HarumMekaren
dc.titleStudy Evaluation Of Farmer Empowerment Through Agricultural Technology And Information (Feati) Program In Kabupaten Serang. (Case: Desa Ciruas, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten).en
dc.titleStudi Evaluasi Program Pemberdayaan Petani Melalui Teknologi dan Informasi Pertanian (P3TIP) di Kabupaten Serang (Kasus: Desa Ciruas, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten)

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