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Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Efek Komunikasi dalam Pemasaran Lanting Ubi Kayu (Kasus Kecamatan Pituruh, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah)

dc.contributor.advisorLumintang, Richard W. E.
dc.contributor.authorSetiyowati, Dyah Dewi
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study are; to analyze the relationship between internal factors and external factors to the marketing communications effect of cassava lanting. To understand the relationship of farmers in marketing communications effect cassava lanting to ward consumer purchases in terms of purchases number and purchasing motivation. The experiment was conducted in Pituruh District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. There are two villages in the Pituruh District which are the central production of cassava lanting is Pituruh Village and Megulung Kidul Village. The choice of location is done intentionally because Pituruh District is the largest producer of cassava in Purworejo Regency. The selection of respondents was done by the census method that is selected 30 respondents who are still active in producing cassava lanting. The research method chosen is to use quantitative and qualitative data supported. Strategy obtain quantitative methods using survey techniques was descriptive and correlational research. Data collected in the research consisted of primary and secondary data. Data shows that internal factors are mostly connected with marketing communications effect of cassava lanting. Indicators of the communication effect is cognitive aspects, affective aspects, and conative aspects related to gender, productive time, and motivation to work. Education level and long work did not relate to all aspects of the communication effect. External factors largely unrelated to the marketing communications effect of cassava lanting. External factors that correlated with the communication effect in the aspects of labor only conative aspects and has a negative relationship. Effect of communications made by the seller cassava lanting in cognitive aspects, affective aspects, and conative aspects did not specify the purchases number and consumer purchasing motivations because the buyer's total purchases and motivation can be influenced by factors other than the seller.en
dc.subjectcommunications effecten
dc.subjectcassava lantingen
dc.titleFactors Related to Marketing Communications Effect of Cassava Lantingen
dc.titleFaktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Efek Komunikasi dalam Pemasaran Lanting Ubi Kayu (Kasus Kecamatan Pituruh, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah)

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