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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar,Iskandar Z.
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Certification of log tracking (Chain of Custody, CoC) constitutes one of the main activities of ecolabel certification for monitoring the flow of wood from forest to wood industry (factory). One way for encouraging sustainable forest resource management is following forest certification scheme. Use of genetics technology or Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a new method which possibly could be developed and applied in the future for log tracking certification. This identification steps requires complete database which could describe the areas where the teak wood is cut, which include representation of individuals in each area and population, as reference for specimen matching in the future. This research use dry wood as sample for analyzing genetic variation in Java, using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) marker. The objectives of this research were genetic database enrichment of teak RAPD and estimating teak genetic variation in Java, based on dry wood sample. MATERIAL AND METHOD. Material used as sample were in the form of wood discs measuring 5 cm in width, as many as 45 pieces taken from 9 KPH (Forest Management Unit) of Perum Perhutani (State Owned Forest Company), namely KPH Cepu, KPH Kendal, KPH Randublatung, KPH Bojonegoro, KPH Kebonhrujo, KPH Ngawi, KPH Banten, KPH Indramayu, and KPH Ciamis. The method used was PCR-RAPD (Polymerase Chain Reaction - Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Data analysis used software Popgene version 3.2, NTSys version 2.01, and Minitab version 14. RESULT AND CONCLUSION. Average of genetic variation inside population of the nine teak populations in Java was 0.1413 with largest variation possessed by teak population in KPH Kebonhrujo, whereas teak population in KPH Randublatung possessed the smallest genetic variation. Average of genetic variation between teak populations (GST) in Java was 0.2154 with lowest genetic distance possessed by teak popUlations of KPH Ngawi and KPH Kebonhrujo. Largest genetic distance was possessed by teak populations of KPH Ciamis and KPH Randublatung. Based on cluster analysis, nine teak populations in Java could be divided into three main clusters. The first cluster consisted of five populations, namely KPH Banten, KPH Indramayu, KPH Bojonegoro, KPH Ngawi, and KPH Kebonharjo. The second cluster consisted of three populations, namely KPH Cepu, KPH Kendal, and KPH Randublatung, while the third cluster comprised only one population, namely KPH Ciamis. Implication for log tracking was the possibility for making the primers of OPY-13, OPO-13, OPO-I0, and OPO-14 as marker primers for differentiating between populations of teak in Java because those primers possessed GST which were relatively far greater than average value of GST, namely ranging between 0.4155 - 0.7142.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectteak wood.en
dc.subjectlog tracking (chain of custody)en
dc.subjectgenetic variationen
dc.titlePengayaan Database Genetik RAPD Jati dengan Contoh Uji KayuKeringen

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