Performance and Evaluation of Protein That used in Rat Which Given by Fermented Meat Feed
Performans dan Evaluasi Penggunaan Protein pada Tikus yang Diberi Ransum Daging Fermentasi.
The objective of this research was to evaluate feed consumption, body weight, feed conversion, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and net protein ratio (NPR) in rat which given by fennented meat feed. Fennentation process have been done using Lactobacillus plantarum as starter culture. Fennentation could improve the protein quality and composition of amino acid. However nutritional evaluation quality was needed to prove that fennentation could improve the protein quality. This ration were fed to 30 male white albino Norway Rat (Rattus novergicus) Sparague Dawley strain into 6 groups. Group one was given casein as positive control, group two was given first fennented meat, group three was given second fennented meat, group four was given ration without protein (negative control), and two other groups given first roast and second roast with different examination time. Research were conducted for 28 day with 5 days period of adaptation. Rat's consumption in fIrst fennented meat feed were higer than consumption of casein feed and second fennented meat feed. The increase of rat's weight which given by fIrst fennented meat feed were higer than given by casein feed and second fennented meat feed, but the casein feed convertion value were better than the other feed. The result of analysis of variance (ANOV A) showed value of PER differ (p<0,01) between casein (0,81±0,10) by fIrst fennented meat (1,26±0,09), and second fennented meat (0,40±0,06). Assess NPR which did not differ statistically between fIrst fennented meat (1,22±0,55) by casein (l,98±0,62) and differ statistically (p<0,05) compared to second fennented meat (0,38±0,07). As a whole the first roast own value of PER (2,87±0,15) and NPR (2,37±0,53) better compared to second roast. Daging merupakan salah satu bahan pangan asal ternak yang kaya akan protein, namun daging memiliki sifat yang mudah rusak (perishable) yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme. Mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan suatu metode pengolaban pada daging guna menambah umur simpannya, disamping dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah pada daging. Fermentasi merupakan salah satu metode pengolaban pada daging untuk memperpanjang umur simpan, dengan memanfaatkan kultur bakteri asam laktat pada prosesnya. Lactobacillus plantarum IBI merupakan bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari daging segar, dapat tumbuh secara optimal pada proses daging fermentasi. Lactobacillus plantarum ternyata dapat meningkatkan nutrisi terutama secara kuantitas, secara kualitas belum diketahui.
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