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dc.contributor.authorPalupi, K.T.
dc.contributor.authorAdiningsih, Melani Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorSunartatie, T.
dc.contributor.authorAfifi, U.
dc.contributor.authorPurnawarman, T.
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed to test Staphylococcus aureus in frozen chicken meat as an indicator of quality and poultry slaughter house hygiene. Thirty two samples of frozen chicken meats transported through Merak port were taken from Cilegon 2nd Class Agricultural Quarantine Installation. Those samples came from DKI Jakarta (11 samples), Bekasi (6 samples), Bogar (4 samples) and Serang (11 samples). Number of S. aureus in frozen chicken meat was conducted with plate count method using baird parker agar (BPA) media. The results showed that the average number of S. aureus in Serang was the highest (5.46x1rY±6. 73x1rY cfu/g). In the other hand, Bekasi had the lowest average number ofS. aureus (0.60x1cr±0.38x1rY cfulg). From the four areas, there were samples which over the maximum limit ofS. aureus as permitted in SNI 01-7388- 2009 (1x1rY cfu/g) with an atJerage proportion about 35.42%.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 2 No. 1, Desember 2010;
dc.subjectStaphylococcus aureusen
dc.subjectfrozen ch1cken meaten
dc.subjectMerak port.en
dc.titlePengujian Staphylococcus aureus pada daging ayam beku yang dilalulintaskan melalui pelabuhan penyeberangan meraken
dc.title.alternativeIndonesian Journal of Veterineary Science and Medicineen

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