Agroforestry between sentang (Azadirachta excelsa Jack.) and sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench).
Agroforestri sentang (Azadirachta excelsa Jack) dan sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)
Wibowo, Andi Rinto Prastiyo
Wijayanto, Nurheni
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Agroforestry is a system in forest management that supports the growth of trees and crops. This research was focused on the interaction process among the agroforestry components based on the planting distance, in order to achieve high productivity of trees and crops in agroforestry system. The objectives of this research were (1) To find out the type of interaction between main components in the agroforestry system, (2) To analyze the potentiality of indigenous V-AM and its colonization in sentang, sorghum, and weed roots; and (3) To predict when sorghum was not able to be planted in the agroforestry system. This research was conducted during 16 months since December 2010 until May 2012. The study was done in Silviculture laboratory, SEAMEO-BIOTROP and in farm area of 1500 m2 at Cibadak village, Ciampea sub-district, Bogor district. Furthermore, the experimental design used in this research was factorial in completely randomized block design (2 x 3) with 3 replicates. The first factors was the planting distance of sentang (2 levels); 2,5 m x 2,5 m and 2,5 m x 5,0 m respectively. The second factor was sorghum crop that consisted of without sorghum (S0), Numbu (S1), and ZH-30 (S2). Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) was used to analyze significant difference among the treatments. The successfully of agroforestry is determined by the interaction between main components and edaphic factor (soil). The interaction between sentang and sorghum in the agroforestry system showed a positive interaction where the biological interaction between main components generated a mutual benefit. The canopy of sentang which are conic and having balance shape has positive influence. Therefore the plant distance of 2,5 m x 2,5 m and 2,5 m x 5 m did not inhibit the sorghum growth until the end of the study. The sentang roots invasion into the sorghum root zone did not compete yet to the sorghum performance and showing a positive interaction. This is reinforced by the increasing of spore distribution and V-AM colonization in the root system of sentang, sorghum and weeds. Moreover, the sorghum roots have became the host of V-AM assisted spore spreading and infection into sentang roots. Thus the growth of sentang and sorghum was better. On the contrary, there was a negative interaction (interference) in the sentang plot without sorghum. By using the planting distance of 2,5 m x 2,5 m and 2,5 m x 5 m, agroforesty sentang and sorghum showed a positive interaction during 14 months after planting. Therefore this agroforestry system could be continued. The time prediction when sorghum is not able to be planted with sentang will be in 4 years with the planting distance of 2,5 m x 2,5 m, and 8 years for planting distance 2,5 m x 5. Dinamika ruang sistem agroforestri sangat ditentukan oleh karakteristik dan interaksi yang saling mempengaruhi antar komponen penyusun dalam sistem silvikultur yang diterapkan. Penentuan komponen dalam sistem agroforestri harus dapat menjawab kebutuhan jangka panjang (hasil hutan kayu) dan jangka pendek (pangan dan pakan). Penentuan tanaman kehutanan sebaiknya jenis yang memiliki tajuk kerucut (conic) dengan arsitektur pohon yang seimbang sehingga terjadi pembagian penggunaan cahaya (light capture sharing) yang merata, sedangkan untuk tanaman pertanian sebaiknya jenis yang tahan naungan dan memiliki geometri akar yang berfungsi sebagai jaringan pengaman hara (safety nutrient network). Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) menganalisis bentuk interaksi antara sentang dan sorgum berdasarkan pengaturan jarak tanam di dalam sistem agroforestri, (2) menganalisis potensi dan kolonisasi V-AM pada akar sentang, sorgum, dan gulma, dan (3) memprediksi waktu penutupan tajuk sentang yang membatasi pertumbuhan sorgum. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 16 bulan, terhitung dari bulan Desember 2010 s/d Mei 2012. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Silvikultur, SEAMEO-BIOTROP dan di lokasi peternakan Ciampea, Bogor, seluas 1500 m2. Rancangan percobaan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan ulangan 3 kali. Jarak tanam = A1 (2,5 m x 2,5 m) dan A2 (2,5 m x 5 m). Jenis sorgum= S0 (tanpa sorgum), S1 (Numbu), dan S2 (ZH-30). Penelitian ini terdiri dari dari dua percobaan lapangan yaitu (1) percobaan pendahuluan dan (2) percobaan agroforestri. Parameter yang diamati untuk sentang adalah diameter, tinggi, tajuk dan perakaran, sedangkan parameter sorgum meliputi persentase hidup, diameter, tinggi, produksi benih, bobot biji 1000 butir, kadar gula, biomassa, dan nira. Selain itu juga dilakukan pengataman terhadap kolonisasi V-AM di akar sentang, sorgum, dan gulma. Mengukur penutupan tajuk sentang untuk memprediksi waktu penanaman sorgum di bawah tegakan sentang.
- MT - Forestry [1441]