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dc.contributor.advisorNirmala, Kukuh
dc.contributor.advisorSupriyono, Eddy
dc.contributor.authorPermatasari, Dwiana Wulan
dc.description.abstractTilapia Oreochromis sp. is one of the most importants freshwater fish that have a high potential of economic value to be an intensive culture. Water quality management is the major component that must be considered in increasing production. The application of a paddle wheel on aquaculture is used in order to be able to maintain the supply of oxygen, which required for the growth of fish. This study aimed to analyze the effect of water quality parameters on decreased in appetite and body resistance in an intensive culture of tilapia. The study was conducted by taking samples of water at depth ranged from 10 to 30 cm with different distances in pond culture. The samples were taken at 06.00 am and at 02.00 pm. Water quality parameters observed in this study were dissolved of oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, ammonia, and organic matter content. The results of study showed that dissolved of oxygen ranged from 5.5 to 7.6 mg/l; water temperatur ranged from 26.9 to 28.3 °C; pH ranged from 6.85 to 7.68; ammonia ranged from 0.0012 to 0.017 mg/l; and the organic matter content ranged from 11.16 to 38.44 mg/l KMnO4. The values of water quality parameters measured in the range of optimal. Decreased appetite in fish caused by the concentration level of ammonia (NH3) that have almost reached its upper limit and the high concentration of the total organic matter in the water, so that fish are more susceptible to disease. The operation of the paddle wheel was supplied enough of oxygen for aquatic organisms, so that the concentration of dissolved oxygen did not reduced.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwater qualityen
dc.subjectintensive cultureen
dc.subjectpaddle wheelen
dc.titleKualitas air pada pemeliharaan ikan nila Oreochromis sp intensif di kolam Departemen Budidaya Perairan Institut Pertanian Bogoren

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