Marine Science And Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 170
Migrasi Vertikal Zooplankton Di Laut Banda
(2014-11-28)Analisis migrasi vertikal zooplankton di laut banda telah dilakukan berdasarkan nilai hambur balik akustik yang diperoleh dari pengukuran pada tanggal 21-30 Novemver 2013 menggunkan instrument akustik simrad EK 500 yang ... -
Rancang Bangun Mesin Pencuci Rumput Laut Berbasis Teknologi Hybrid
(2011-05-20)Potensi rumput laut yang sangat besar dan kebutuhan pasar yang amat tinggi, maka perlu adanya pengembangan mesin pengolah rumput laut yang ditunjukan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah yang berlipat ganda dari produk ... -
Teknologi dan Observasi Penangkapan Tuna-Tongkol -Cakalang
(2015-01-01)Teknologi merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam pengelolaan perikanan tuna yang berkelanjutan. Melalui bantuan teknologi dapat diketahui lebih baik tentang perlaku tuna baik secara individu maupun dalam kelompok. ... -
Downwelling Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients from In Situ Measurements of Different Water Types
(2013-12)Process of light reduction or loss (attenuation) by scattering and absorption is affected by solar zenith, time, depth, and seawater constituents. Downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) is important to understand ... -
Kontruksi Dan Produktivitas Rumpon Portable Tuna Di Perairan Palabuan Ratu, Jawa Barat
(2015-01-01)Rumpon yang biasa digunakan oleh nelayan dan pengusaha di seluruh Indonesia adalah rumpon yang dipasang menetap disuaru perairan, sehingga tidak dapat dipindah-pindah ke perairan lain. Sejauh ini di indonesia belum pernah ... -
Optimum Fermentation Process for Red Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium and Gracillaria verrucosa
(2015-01-12)Red macroalgae have the potential to be proccssed into bioethanol due to their high carbohydrate and low lignin content. gelidium latifolium and gracilaria verrucosa are red macroalgac commonly found in indonesia seas. -
Estimates of tidal mixing in the Indonesian archipelago from multidisciplinary INDOMIX in-situ data
(2015-10)The Indonesian Mixing program (INDOMIX) was designed to quantify the very strong mixing that transforms Pacific waters into isohaline Indonesian Waters in the Indonesian archipelago. The turbulent dissipation rates and ... -
Measuring Echo Strength of Fish and Sea Bottom Using Underwater Acoustic Instrument
(2011-04)Underwater acoustic technology is indispensable method to receive underwater information. For this purpose, we used an underwater acoustic instrument with operating frequency of 200 kHz to detect and measure the echo ... -
Physical Modeling and Measurement of Fish Acoustic Backscatter
(2011-11)Physical acoustic model of fish is used to explain the variability in backscatter and target size. The research has the aim to apply the theoretical physics-based acoustic scattering models of single animal and laboratory ...