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dc.contributor.authorKapahang, Ardi
dc.contributor.authorBintang, Maria
dc.contributor.authorHawab, Mansjur
dc.contributor.authorSastraatmadja, D.D.
dc.contributor.authorSolichin, Dedy Duryadi
dc.description.abstractBacteria are microbes which have an ability to live wherever there is a life. Some of the bacteria are saprophyte and some are parasitic. But most of the bacteria have not been identified or cultured; therefore the benefits are still unknown. Methanogenic bacteria are one of the saprophyte bacteria. These bacteria produces methane, a biogas as an alternative fuel in the future. Most of methanogenic bacteria are uncultured, however a few of them are found in the sewage of coconut water. The objectives of this research are to isolate, characterize and identify the methagenic bacteria that lived in coconut water.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 30 No. 1 Januari 2007;
dc.subjectcoconut wateren
dc.titleIsolasi, karakterisasi, dan identifikasi bakteri metanogenik asal limbah air kelapaen
dc.title.alternativeForum Pascasarjanaen

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