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dc.contributor.authorBatubara, Irmanida
dc.contributor.authorRahminiwati, Min
dc.contributor.authorDarusman, Latifah Kosim
dc.contributor.authorMitsunaga, Tohru
dc.description.abstractPiper betle (Local name Sirih Hijau) and Piper crocatum (local name Sirih Merah) are two type of Piper genus which famous in Indonesia. This research is related to application of chemistry in health. The aims of this research were to find the essential oil component in Sirih Hijau and Sirih Merah and to find the potency of the essential oil against tyrosinase. The essential oils were obtained from leaves of Sirih Hijau and Sirih Merah by steam distillation. The components in the essential oils were analyzed by GC-MS. The activities of essential oils against tyrosinase were analyzed with spectrophotometry methods. The results showed that sirih hijau and sirih merah essential oils consisted of alpha thujene, alpha pinene, (+)- sabinene, beta-myrcene, alpha terpinene, beta terpinene, beta phellandrene, gamma terpinene, caryophyllene, alpha caryophyllene, and garmacrene. Camphene, chavicol and eugenol only existed in Sirih Hijau essential oil and not existed in Sirih Merah essential oil. The tyrosinase activities of these essential oils were also different. Sirih Hijau essential oil was an inhibitor for tyrosinase for monophenolase and diphenolase (inhibit about 50% activity compared to control at concentration 7mg/ml), while sirih merah essential oil was an activator for tyrosinase for monophenolase (16x more active compared to control at 7mg/ml) and diphenolase (2.5 x more active compared to control at 7mg/ml). In conclusion, camphene, beta phelandrene, chavicol and eugenol from sirih hijau essential oil can be used for whitening agent due to its inhibitory activity for tyrosinase.en
dc.publisherFaculty of Science, University of Brawijaya
dc.subjectpiper bettleen
dc.subjectpiper crocatumen
dc.subjectessential oilen
dc.subjecttyrosinase activityen
dc.titleCD8(+) CD122(+) Regulatory T Cells is a New Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseaseen
dc.title.alternativeProceeding of the international conference on basic science 17-18 Feb 2011en

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