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dc.contributor.advisorAdisantoso, Julio
dc.contributor.authorMarlina, Meri
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to perform text feature weighting for summarization of document bahasa Indonesia using binary logistic regression. There are ten text features, i.e., sentence position (f1), positive keywords in sentence (f2), negative keywords in sentence (f3), sentence centrality (f4), sentence resemblance to the title (f5), sentence inclusion of name entity (f6), sentence inclusion of numerical data (f7), sentence relative length (f8), bushy path of the node (f9), and summation of similarities for each node (f10). Ten of these features will be used as an independent variable in the calculation of the binary logistic regression. To denote that the sentence is not included in the summary we use an output value of 0, an output value of 1, otherwise. To evaluate the text summarization, we use N-Gram with compressin rate 30%. Research results show that the accuracy of this method is 42.84%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttext featuresen
dc.subjectbinary logistic regressionen
dc.subjecttext summarizationen
dc.titleSistem Peringkasan Dokumen Berita Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan MetodeRegresi Logistik Bineren

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