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dc.contributor.advisorKustiyo, Aziz
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Alim
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, Hariman Hidayat
dc.description.abstractVehicle routing problem (VRP) is an important issue on a transportation system that aims at minimizing the total vehicle mileage to reduce vehicle operating cost to a minimum. Vehicle routing problem belongs to the class of non-polynomial hard (NP-hard), which generally uses a heuristic approach to find a solution. In this time, Vehicle routing problem resolution will be applied to the distribution of highland vegetables from PT. Saung Mirwan as the vegetable distribution center. The problems that often arise in the distribution of highland plain vegetables is to how minimize the total of transportation costs without sacrificing the goal completion time to reduce the risk of the decline in the quality of vegetables during the trip. Issues will become increasingly complex if the vehicle routing problem is flexible to changes that occur in the limit or the value of decision variables. The problems encountered in this case include heterogeneous multi fleet VRP, single source, single trip, and multi-product. Therefore, this research used genetic algorithm optimization method (GA) to solve the problem. Genetic algorithm is one of the heuristic methods, which is analogous to the process of evolution by natural selection phase, crossover and mutation. In this paper a simulation is performed by searching the optimum solution to the location of the distribution as the destination points. Optimum solutions are obtained in the form of division of highland vegetable distribution channels that meet the existing constraints. As a solution, there was reduction of the distribution time of about 1 hour 58 minutes or an increase in time efficiency by approximately 32.22% and a reduction of the fleet utilization by 1 fleet or an increase of fleet efficiency by 14.28%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvehicle routing problem.en
dc.subjecthighland vegetablesen
dc.subjectgenetic algorithmen
dc.titlePenyelesaian Vehicle Routing Problem pada Pendistribusian Sayuran Dataran Tinggi Menggunakan Algoritme Genetika (Studi Kasus PT Saung Mirwan)en

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