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dc.contributor.authorSaleh, Amiruddin
dc.contributor.authorRangkuti, Parlaungan Adil
dc.description.abstractThe objectives ojlhis research weit* (!) ID explain VUC 0' -gamzation &Ofn?ttiinicaltonfQftQFS are Ihe key in improving she VUC performance, (21 in explain VUC organization communication factors thai he come the key ifl developing the VUC capacity, and(3f fa formulate defined strategy in improving ihe VUC quality service as ihp agrtc-uSturu! economic organization for ugricuttitrat mechanization development Active category of VUC sample us analysis itwii was delermii>£(l by euchiiffive WC samples at Karawmg andCitinjur District- From each VUC sample, thirty respondents that use rice inilltftg uf ¥UC, were taken. This research was designed lining .\utvey method with mufti CtfJtllysis approaches, they were: descriptive atiaty.\is and paid analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Made!) analyst:, with LISREL itnalybii mppurt. The primer and secondary data were collected frni>\ December 200V to March 20!0. The result ufthix research showed thaf (!) according t<J the Similarity lest model referring lo the gQQdnest, of fit criteria jram SEfcf analysis shnwed fl'fl i'UC organization communicutsun model i.i good, (2) level of performance, capacity, and quality of VUC service tit KttrawQfig and Citinjur District ciassffttd as low,(3) determinant factory which have real influence on tne in\v performance and capacity tif VUC are to\v tjvality of information, inconvenient orgaattOtlon communication cnvirortnn*»{, undluw intensity of public organization communication. (4) determinant factors which have real influence on ihe taw quality of VUC service ore Sow quality of VUC personnel character! flic and weak VUC urbanization communication process, and (5) improvement strategy of VUC quality service should be darui by developing VUC organization communication mode! tht ough QgncuItJtrat infftrmaiion system development in ilie centers of ft$ncullur? production in each rural area toward* modernen
dc.publisherUniversity of Trisakti
dc.subjectOrganization communicationen
dc.subjectrice milling uniten
dc.subjectvillage unit cooperativesen
dc.titlePath Analysis Communication Model of Cooperaion Organization in the Development Agricultural Mechanization (Village Unit Cooperative/VUC Rice Milling Utilization Case in Karawang and Cianjur District West Java Province)en

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