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dc.contributor.advisorMustari, Abdul Haris
dc.contributor.advisorRinaldi, Dones
dc.contributor.authorSurono, Hadi
dc.description.abstractJavan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is one of Javan endemic primates. Gunung Halimun Salak National Park is one of its suitable habitat that supports significant number of population of the gibbon in Java. One of the habitat usage by Javan Gibbon is for foraging at tree canopies. Canopy is part of cover area for Javan gibbon which can be used to do some activity such as feeding and hiding from intruders. This study aimed to reveal food plants and and canopy usage pattern of Javan gibbon based on feeding activity. This study was conducted from June to August 2011 at Cikaniki Research Station, Citalahab village and the surrounding habitats. The equipments used in this study included binocular, range finder, camera, stop watch, ribbon, compass, tally sheet, rope, work map, and stationary. This study was focussed on two groups of Javan gibbon consisting 4 and 3 individuals respectively. The data collected were plant species and their coordinates of the trees that used by the Javan gibbon for their feeding activities, duration of feeding activities at the trees, and different spaces used of the animal at the trees’ canopy. The data collected using focal animal sampling with continous recording and scan sampling methods. The observations were carried out from 06.00 am to 05.00 pm or when Javan gibbon started doing their activities until they went to the sleeping trees. Javan gibbon consumed 47 kind of feeds covering 46 species of plants and one species of insect. Parts of the plants eaten by the Javan gibbon were fruits, leaves, and flowers representing 77,8% , 21,02% , 1,18% respectively. The Javan gibbon was also observed eating insects which was 0,002% of the total consumption. The usage of the tree canopy based on feeding activity can be catagorized into two types, trees as food sources and trees as place to eat. For feeding activity at trees used as food source, the Javan gibbon preferred the edges of canopies, that was CII canopy part. The canopy space selection at the edge of the canopy, aften found at ki dage tree (Bruinsmia styracoides) that used for hanging. Whereas trees that used as a place to eat, Javan gibbon were mainly found at the lower middle of canopy (AIII) which were mostly observed at rasamala trees (Altingia excelsa) which were also used for hanging. Javan gibbon used four models of tree architecture including attims, massart, rauh, and scarrone. Of the four models, attims was the most used by Javan gibbon when doing their feeding activities.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleJenis Pakan dan Pola Pemanfaatan Tajuk berdasarkan Aktivitas Makan Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch Audebert, 1798) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak Provinsi Jawa Barat.en

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