Coral Settlement on Concrete Artificial Reefs in Pramuka Island Waters, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta and Managemnet Option
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Aziz, Arif Miftahul
Kamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
Zamani, Neviaty Putri
Subhan, Beginer
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Tahap akhir perkembangan komunitas karang rekrut pada terumbu buatan beton telah diamati selama sembilan bulan (Oktober 2009-Juli 2010) menggunakan metode sensus visual dan fotografi bawah air. Sejumlah sepuluh unit terumbu buatan beton yang telah ditenggelamkan di perairan Pulau Pramuka dan Gosong Pramuka pada tahun 2001 digunakan sebagai objek pada penelitian ini. Sebagai perbandingan. kondisi persen tutupan karang dan ikan karang di terumbu karang alamijuga diamati menggunakan metode transek garis menyinggung, transek kuadrat, sensus visual dan fotografi bawah air. Untuk menghitung luas tutupan karang digunakan software ImageJ versi 1, 42q. Pada Maret 2010. sejumlah 457 koloni karang dari 21 genus dan 216 k%ni karang dari 16 genus ditemukan berlurut-turut di Stasiun 1 (Pulau Pramuka) dan Stasiun 2 (Gosong Pramuka). Jum/ah koloni karang rekrut didominasi oleh genus Porites. Pocil/opora, dan Cyphastrea. Pada Juli 2010. persen tutupan karang rekrut pada terumbu buatan beton mencapai 41,46±13,37% (rerata±Sb) di Stasiun 1 dan 20,38±6.08% (rerata±Sb) di Stasiun 2. Genus Porites menjadi yang paling dominan di kedua Stasiun dalam hal kelimpahan koloni rekrut dan persen tutupan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terumbu buatan beton dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk membuat habitat baru bagi karang. ikan karang, dan biota lainnya terutama pada ekosistem terumbu karang yang telah rusak. Latest stage development of recruit corals community on concrete artificial reefs were observed for nine months (from October 2009 to July 2010) by visual census and underwater photography methods. Amounts of 10 units of concrete artificial reef deployed in Pramuka Island waters and Gosong Pramuka in 2001 were used as an objects in this research. As a comparation, the condition of coral cover and reef fishes in natural reef were observed by line intercept transect, visual census, and underwater photography methods. In order to measure coral coverage area we used ImageJ 1.42q software. In March 2010, amounts of 457 coral colonies from 21 genera and 216 coral colonies from 16 genera were found on artificial reefs surface in Station 1 (Pramuka Island) and Station 2 (Gosong Pramuka) respectively. Number of recruit coral colonies was dominated by genus Porites, POcillopora, and Cyphastrea. In July 2010, the percentage of coral cover on concrete artificial reefs reaches 41.46±13.37% (mean±SD) in Station 1 and 20.38±6.08% (mean±SD) in Station 2, while the percentage of coral coverage on natural reefs were 23.14% and 40.43% in Station 1 and 2 respectively. Genus Porites become the most dominant genus in both of stations in terms of recruit colony abundance and percent cover. This result shows that concrete artificial reefs can effectively use to create new habitat of corals, coral fishes and others biota particularly in degraded coral reefs ecosystem.