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dc.contributor.authorBactiar, Imam
dc.contributor.authorDamar, Ario
dc.contributor.authorZamani, Neviaty Putri
dc.description.abstractEcological resilience is an important properly of natural ecosyslem 10 be understood in coral reef management. Resilience of Indonesian coral reefs was assessed using 2009 COREAfAP data The assessment used 698 data of line intercept transects collecledfrom 15 districts and 4 marine physiographies. Resilience index used in the assessment was developed by the aUlhors bUI will be published elsewhere. The results showed Ihal coral reefs al weslern region had higher average resilience indices Ihan easlern region, and Sunda Shelf reefs had higher resilience indices than coral reefs al Indian Ocean, Sulawesi-Flores, or Sahul Shelf Four districts were found 10 have coral reefs wilh highest resilience indices. i.e. Bintan and Nawna (western region), and Wakatobi and Buton (eastern region). Raja Ampal had coral reefs with lower average resilience indices than that of Wakalobi. Uses ofresilience index in coral reefmanagemenr should be coupled with olher information such as maximum depth ofcoral communitiesen
dc.subjectcoral reefen
dc.titleAssessing ecological resilience of indonesian coral reefsen
dc.title.alternativeJournal of Coastal Development volume 14 Number 3, June 2011en

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