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Modal Sosial Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Sub DAS Cisadane Hulu (Kasus di Areal Model DAS Mikro Sub DAS Cisadane Hulu)

dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.advisorNurrochmat, Dodik Ridho
dc.contributor.authorRinawati, Rina
dc.description.abstractA successful development of private forests for the critical land rehabilitation needs to include a social capital as a readiness factor of the people to accept a development program from the goverrunent. The social capital refers to all aspects related to the cooperation in a society that lead to a collective action, The research objectives were (1) to assess the individual characteristics and social capital, (2) to analyze the relationship between the individual characteristics and the constituent elements of social capital, between social capital and its constituent elements as well as between social capital and community participation in private forest development, and (3) to obtain the most appropriate private forest development strategy. The study was conducted at the Micro Model of Watershed area of the Sub-Watershed of Upstream Cisadane from June to August 2011. Data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis, Rank Spearman correlation, SWOT and QSPM. The individual characteristics based on the assessment of age categories, education (formal and non formal education), income, land area, level of health, length of stay and social status were in the medium category. The social capital of community was also in the medium category with the identified elements of social capital involving trust, social networks, social norms, proactive actions and caring. The individual characteristics significantly related to the constituent elements of social capital are age, non-formal education, income, land area and social status. The social capital was significantly correlated to trust, social networks, social norms, proactive actions and level of participation in the subsidized development of private forest. The selected and prioritized strategy was a management of private forests with an agroforestry pattern as part of the farming culture of the community with a strong local institutional support, community empowerment and intensive assistanceen
dc.subjectsocial capitalen
dc.subjectprivate forestsen
dc.subjectindividual characteristicsen
dc.subjectmicro model of watersheden
dc.titleSocial Capital of the Community in the Development of Private Forest at the Sub-Watershed of Upstream Cisadane (A Case at the Micro Model of Watershed Area of the Sub-Watershed of Upstream Cisadane),en
dc.titleModal Sosial Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Sub DAS Cisadane Hulu (Kasus di Areal Model DAS Mikro Sub DAS Cisadane Hulu)

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