Cocoa Cultivation Practices and Prospect of the utilization of Black Ant and Weaver Ant for the Control of Cocoa Pod Borer in Kabupaten Kolaka Southeast Sulawesi
Praktek Budidaya Kakao dan Prospek Pemanfaatan Semut Hitam dan Semut Rangrang untuk Pengendalian Hama Penggerek Buah Kakao di Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Sulawesi Tenggara is one of the center of cocoa plantation in Indonesia. One of the problems faced by farmers is the infestation of cocoa pod borer (CPB). Farmers usually use chemical insecticides to control the pest, although the results are not satisfactory. The aims of this research were to find a cultivation for controlling the CPB, and the effect of the black ants and weaver ant to the attack intensity and seed damage caused by the cocoa pod borer. This research was conducted in cocoa plantation in Desa Lambandia, Kecamatan Lambandia, Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, from April to September 2009. The research included survey of cocoa cultivation practices and utilization of black ant and weaver ant to control the CPB. The results showed that farming practices have been done by farmers, such as pruning, harvesting oftenly, sanitation–but not maximum and not all farmer practice it. To control the pest, farmers rely on insecticides. Biological control using black ant and weaver ant was not used by farmers. Weaver ants could reduce the population of CPB’s eggs, pupae, and adult, the fruit damage and intensity of CPB infestation decreased in the presence of weaver ant.
- MT - Agriculture [3847]