Analisis Ekohidrolik dalam Pengendalian Banjir Studi Kasus di Sungai Lawo Kabupaten Soppeng Sulawesi Selatan

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Pertiwi, Nurlita
Sapei, Asep
Purwanto, Yanuar J.
Astika, I Wayan
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This research was based on the effort to combine the ecological aspect and hidrolical aspect in the flood control of the river. Tile objective research was to analyze the effect of ecohydraullic concept to reduce the flooding water level and water velocity. The analysis The first step of method is analysis flooding water level includes based on hydraulic characteristic of the river and the second step is ecohydraullic analysis. Ecohydraullic analysis is trial and error method of high inundation and riverbank width which suitable for flood discharge ( 50 years period). The result of this study indicated that riverbank arrangement by planting 10 mm and 20 mm vegetation can reduce the flooding water level and water flow velocity.