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dc.contributor.authorPertiwi, Nurlita
dc.contributor.authorSapei, Asep
dc.contributor.authorP, M.Januar,J.
dc.contributor.authorAstika, I Wayan
dc.identifier.issn1412- 9957
dc.description.abstractLawo River has small river characteristic and experiencing threat of significant flooding. The alternative concept of flooding control is ecohydraullic with the arrangement of floodplain. The objectives of the research are to know the flooding water level and to design the riverbank arrangement based on ecohydraullic concept. This Research was conducted in the Soppeng Regency, Province of South Sulawesi. The first step of method is analysis flooding water level includes hydrology analysis and hydraulics analysis. The second step is making the design by ecohydraullic analysis. The result showed that: 1) Along the river will suffer the threat of flooding with varying wafer level between 1,9 meters - 13 meters. Flooding water level is resulted from probable discharge (50 years period 0/425.432 m3/sec at Soppeng and Lawo, 433.795 m3/sec at Cenrana, Paowe and Talumae, and 441.692 m3/sec at Ganra and Bakke. Arrangement of riverbank in ecohydraullic concept is by wide flood plains between 120 m to 150 m and diameter of the vegetation 10 cm - 20 cm. The design can reduce the high inundation along the river and the water flow velocity High inundation along the river without vegetation in banks as high as 2.6 m - 11.2 m, while with the arrangement of flood plain, the varying of inundation between 0.7 m - 2.5 m. Flow velocity can he reduced between 10% - 76% by this concept.en
dc.publisherJurnal Forum Bangunan, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 9;No. 1
dc.titlePenggunaan Konsep Ekohidrolik Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Bencana Wilayah Pemukiman Pada Bantaran Sungai Lawo Kabupaten Soppengen

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