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dc.contributor.authorHerodian, Sam
dc.contributor.authorSuastawa, I Nengah
dc.description.abstractIndonesia has the largest sago plantation in the world. More than jO % of the lotal world sago tree are in Indone~'ia, especially in irian Jaya and Maluku Province. Sago is a ~' {(/p'e food for several native people in some parts of Indonesia. The mp/or problems (~r traditional sago processing are fat,:k of equipment .. !o,fwt of the people in Irian Jaya where the largesl .wgo plantation is still use a very inefficient and very labourish way to process sago starch. At some places peoples have already used sago rasper machine which has copacify and efficiency much more ifum fradifionai methods, but IV(' have not l.?1own the optimum charcleristics of sago rasper's leelh. the mechanisms of .fago raspering and the formula to calculale or estimate the power to be needed. The objectives of this research is to de sign and analY~'is uf rasping power requirement of cylinder type sago rasper. The research features are 10 investigate .the effect of diameter and pattern oj rasping teeth arrangemenl on power requirement and rmping quality. The experiment consists of 3 factors: (a). Teeth diameter (b). Teeth pallern arrangement, and (c). Speed of cylinder rotation. The number of teeth contact instantaneousiy with inpul depend on time and teeth pat/ern arrangemenr. The coefficient of kinetic friction between wood and sago pilCh for force perpendicular to fibre and pararrel one were respectively 0.4022 and O. 2603. The static fo rce per teeth for I mm and 2 mm diameter were 5. 5240 Nand 7.9240 N re~pecti veiy.
dc.titleDesain Dan Analisis Kebutuhan Tenaga Alat Pemarut Sagu Tipe Selinderen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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