Agroindustrial business development strategies in wheat flour wheat gapoktan Bandung Regency
Strategi pengembangan usaha agroindustri tepung gandum di gapoktan gandum Kabupaten Bandung
Panjaitan, Jenny Laura Ulina
Limbong, W. H.
Suryani, Ani
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Development of domestic wheat is expected to be an alternative food availability in the country. Processing of wheat into flour in Bandung regency done by small-scale agro-industry business unit that still uses fairly simple processing technologies. Wheat flour agro-industry business unit is expected to develop into independent business units and professional and professionally managed with sound business-oriented features, both technical, economic, social, feasible, profitable and sustainable. Research objectives, including to (1) know the strategic factors affecting wheat flour agro-industry business, (2) determine the feasibility of wheat flour agro-industry, (3) to formulate appropriate strategies in order to develop future business wheat flour agroindustry. Data collection methods used are primary data collection through field surveys and interviews. Questionnaire was spreaded to the farmers to obtain supporting data with a purposive sampling method. Secondary data collection was done through literature, documents and reports related agencies. Results of the feasibility analysis showed that from the calculation feasibility study, with an investment cost Rp.105.000.000 Net Present Value: DF 14% USD 47,294,561; Internal Rate Return (IRR) 35.24%; Pay Back Period (PBP) 2.17 years, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.84 and breakeven production of 19,648.37 kg. These values indicate that the business wheat flour of Agroindustry unit is feasible managed by wheat Gapoktan Total value of the internal strategic matrix 2.802; show business wheat flour of Agroindustry unit at wheat Gapoktan has high internal factors, and total external strategic matrix of 3.013 shows the response given by agroindustry wheat flour wheat Gapoktan business unit to the external environment is high and agroindustry unit position is in second quadrant. Based on the best strategic, alternative analysis obtained by 6 (six) is the most effective strategic business units conducted by the wheat flour of Agro- Industry unit (1) Conducting Fulfillment Services and Infrastructure Business Unit Agro Wheat Flour, (2) Building partnerships with the food industry while maintaining product quality (3) increase production and productivity in the face of increasing demands wheat (4), enhance the role of managers in developing agroindustries business unit of wheat flour, (5) Develop institutional wheat Gapoktan in the agribusiness community to address the changing culture (6). Active to build partnership with the stake holder to solve the wheat flour problems. Pengembangan gandum di dalam negeri diharapkan menjadi alternatif ketersediaan pangan di dalam negeri. Pengolahan gandum menjadi tepung di Kabupaten Bandung dilakukan oleh unit usaha agroindustri skala kecil yang masih menggunakan teknologi pengolahan yang cukup sederhana. Unit usaha agroindustri tepung gandum ini diharapkan berkembang menjadi unit usaha mandiri dan profesional serta dikelola secara profesional dengan ciri berorientasi bisnis yang sehat, baik secara teknis, ekonomi, sosial, layak dan menguntungkan serta berkelanjutan. Bertolak dari hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui faktor – faktor strategik yang mempengaruhi usaha agroindustri tepung gandum (2) Mengetahui kelayakan usaha agroindustri tepung gandum (3) Menyusun strategi yang tepat dalam rangka pengembangan usaha agorindustri tepung gandum kedepan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data primer melalui survei lapangan, wawancara dengan ketua Gapoktan/manajer, sekretaris Gapoktan , ketua Kelompok Usaha Wanita, petugas Dinas Pertanian dan Dosen Universitas Padjajaran. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan kepada petani untuk mendapatkan data pendukung dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data sekunder melalui penelusuran pustaka, dokumen dan laporan instansi terkait. Faktor-faktor strategik internal dan eksternal dalam pengembangan unit usaha agroindustri tepung gandum adalah (1) Kekuatan: Mutu Tepung Gandum Lebih Baik, Ketersediaan lahan, Jaringan Pemasaran Sederhana, Gapoktan Mandiri, Manajer Agroindustri Tepung Profesional dan Lokasi Agroindustri tepung Strategik (2) Kelemahan terdiri dari Bahan Baku Musiman, Akses Permodalan Lemah, Tingkat Pengembalian Modal Lambat, Kemampuan SDM Gapoktan Terbatas, Biaya Produksi Besar, Sarana Prasarana Kurang Memadai (3) Peluang terdiri dari Pasar yang Potensial, Konsumen yang loyal , Permintaan Gandum Meningkat, Kebijakan Pemerintah, Kesempatan Bermitra dengan Industri/Usaha Pengolahan Makanan dan Dukungan Pemerintah Daerah. (4) Ancaman terdiri dari Perubahan Cuaca dan Iklim, Fluktuasi Harga Gandum, Tingkat persaingan usaha, Tingkat Suku Bunga Kredit, Tingginya Impor Gandum dan Perubahan Kultur Masyarakat.
- MT - Professional Master [895]