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dc.contributor.authorPiscesa, Saskia
dc.contributor.authorDamanik, Rizal
dc.description.abstractNutrition plays an important role in our daily lives. Food choice affects individual's nutritional status, and food choice influenced by eating behavior that formed by hunger feeling, physiological, and psychological needs. People prefer consuming street food due to economic reason; cheap and sold in flexible quantities. Sweet potato has high productivity, high economic values, and the flour containing high nutritional values but less popular than any other carbohydrate source. On the one hand, street food stimulates the demand for traditional 1 ingredients and produce, best provided by local enterpises and agriculture. Challenge to applied sweet potatoes as an alternative street food ingredient is to dveloped creative idea because sweet potato is less popular to consume than any other carbohydrate source. The street food produced by "Kelompok Tani Hurip" in Cikarawang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia is mainly various kinds of Indonesian traditional cakes made of sweet potato, it is true if sweet potato and itsssss flour can be as the alternative for healthy street food.en
dc.publisherFaculty Of Agriculture, Niigata University, JAPAN
dc.subjectIpomoea batatasen
dc.subjectstreet fooden
dc.subjectmiddle class industryen
dc.subjectWest Javaen
dc.titlePotential of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Its Secondary Product as the Alternative for Healthy Street Food Production in Middle Class Industry in Cikarawang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesiaen
dc.title.alternativeThe 3rd International Symposium " Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment in Asia"en

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