Faculty of Forestry Book's: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 40
Hegemoni llmu Pengetahuan
(2013) -
Scientific Forestry: Sebuah Gugatan
(2013) -
General conditions of ITTO Project site for restoration, rehabilitation and agroforestry in Grand Forest Park Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi
(2006)FOREWORD: Sound collaborative forest management can be achieved through participatory processes, and gain of legal support from government policies such as laws and regulations. Capacity to manage the forest resources ... -
Silvicultural Aspects of selected species for restoration, rehabilitation and agroforestry in Grand Forest Park Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi
(2006)FOREWORD: Successful restoration, rehabilitation and agroforetsry projects need sound ecological and silvicultural analysis and knowledge. Understanding the silvicultural treatments of suitable species to be planted in the ... -
Hama pemukiman Indonesia
(2006)Lalat yang berada di sekitar hunian rnanusia antara lain adalah lalat rurnah, lalat hijau, dan lalat daging. Urnurnnya lalat ini berkernbang biak pada habitat di luar hunian rnanusia yang telah rnernbusuk dan penuh dengan ...