Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 225
Performances, carcass percentage and abdominal fat of broilers fed ration containedprebiotics from corncobs and challanged with E. Coli
(2011-07-26)Prebiotics are nutrients, which are not digested, and selectively improve growth and activity of beneficial microbes in the intestine. Corncobs contain hemicelluloses which are potential as prebiotic sources. The objectives ... -
Feeding Wafer For Sheep
(2015-09)Thin-tailed sheep is one of local sheep that can support the needs of people’s animal protein. Wafer completefeed of waste vegetable market is one of the feed results of technology that have nutritional value betterthan ... -
Pemberian Nanokalsium pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah Laktasi terhadap Neraca Kalsium
(2014)Nanotechnology was developed began 21st century and was used in industry. Nanoparticle is one of model nanotechnology product, like nanocalcium. Nanocalcium supplementation in animal model growing rat could improve the ... -
Kolesterol Plasma dan Pertumbuhan Tikus Putih (Spraque Dowley) yang Diberi Ampas Sagu dan Limbah Udang dengan Level yang Berbeda
(2011-10)High blood cholesterol in human might cause atheroskelerosis, a disease that eventually leads to the occurrence of coronary heart attack. This research was aimed to investigate level of sago waste or shrimp waste on plasma ... -
Fermentabilitas Pakan Berserat Dalam Rumen In Vitro yang Diberi Ekstrak Daun Murbei
(2009-07)This experiment was aimed at investigating the capability of crude extract of mulberry leaves that contain l-deoxynojirimycin in increasing fermentability of fibrous feed in ruminal systems. This experiment was conducted ... -
Eksplorasi Tumbuhan Di Bawah Naungan Ubikayu serta Potensinya sebagai Hijauan Pakan
(2014-01)Utilization of forage plants growing among cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is notiftimal. Potential for development oj integration of both very large and mutually bene cial. Purpose of this study is to explore and ... -
Kualitas Fermentasi Silase Ransum Komplit Berbasis Hasil Samping Jagung, Sawit dan Ubi Kayu
(2012-02)Kualitas Fermentasi Silasc Ransum Komplit Bcrbasis HasH Sam ping Jagung, Sawit dan Ubi Kayu Fermentation Quality of Complete Feed Silage Based on Corn, Palm and Cassava by Products Lendraw~ti, Nahrowi, dan M. Ridla Fakultas ... -
Produksi Biskuit Limbah Tanaman Jagung sebagai Pakan Komersil Ternak Ruminansia
(2011-04)Biscuit is one of feed wich is forming by heating and pressing that can be reduce size and volume of forage, so its easy to handling and storage. The objective of this study was to produce corn leaf and field grass to be ... -
Konsumsi dan Efisiensi Pakan pada Kukang (Nycticebus coucang) d i Penangkaran
(2002-06)Feed Intake and Efficiency of Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) in Captivity. Study on feed intake and efficiency of captive slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) has been conducted at the Division of Zoolgy, Research Center for ... -
Respon Rumput Chloris gayana dan Setaria splendida terhadap Penambahan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula dan Pupuk NPK pada Tanah Salin
(2007-07)Plants grown in saline soil have a different physiological stress that is destroying . . the structure of enzymes and other macromolecules, cell organelle damage, photosynthesis inhibitation, respiration, protein synthesis ... -
(2006-08)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan media dan tanaman inang yang cocc~ sebagai media tumbuh mikoriza yang dapat meningkatkan produksi massalnya. Seb3gai media tanaman adalah tanah latosol pasir dan zeolit dengan ... -
Penampilan Produksi Itik Petelur Lokal Fase Produksi Akibat Penambahan Tepung Daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica L.) Dalam Pakan
(2007-08)This research had been conducted to study the effect of beluntas leaf powder addition on the performances (feed consumtion, egg production, egg weight, and feed conversion) of the Indonesian local layer duck. The research ... -
Komposisi Fisik dan Kualitas Telur Itik Lokal akibat Pemberian Beluntas dalam Pakan yang Berbeda
(2007-08)The research was conducted at Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Animal Science,IPB Bogor during 5 months (May-September, 2006). The aim of the research was to study the effect of adding Beluntas powder (Pluchea ... -
Pemanfaatan Bungkil Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas) Terfermentasi sebagai Pakan Ayam Kampung
(2010)Jatropha curcas meal (JCM) is very potential as protein source for poultry. The JCM contained high crude protein, i.e. 56,4-63,8% (without hull) and 22,39-31;41% (hulled JCM). JCM serves as a highly nutritious and economic ... -
Broilers's performances fed comercial diet supplemented with liquid methionine analogue (LMA)
(2008)The objectives of this study were to study methionine and aflatoxin status of three different commercial poultry diets used in Indonesia (W, P, C); and to study the efficacy in improving broilers performances fed the tree ... -
Kajian produksi garam asam organik sebagai penghambat bakteri salmonella typhimurium dan E. coli secara in vitro
(2011)Adanya resistensi bakteri patogen dan reskJu dari penggunaan antibiotik sebagai growth promotor pada temak menyebabkan adanya pembatasan pemberian growth promoter tersebut. Salah satu altematif yang da pat digunakan sebagai ... -
Taraf toleransi logam berat (Pb, Cd) dalam aditif pakan terhadap performan dan kualitas karkas ayam broiler (Tolerance level of feed additive contaminated heavy metal (Pb, Cd) on broiler performance and carcass quality)
(2011)Feed additive had been claimed as one of sources of heavy metals contamination which has implication on food safety from animal products. This research was conducted to investigate addition of feed additive containing heavy ... -
Integrasi tanaman singkong dan ternak unggas
(2011)Pengembangan petemakan unggas lokal secara umum masih sangat memprihatinkan. Produksi daging dan telur sebagai hasil utama petemakan unggas lokal di Indonesia hampir seluruhnya diperoleh dari petemakan rakyat. Usaha petemakan ... -
Performan domba lokal jantan yang diberi ransum komplit berbahan baku jerami padi yang mendapat perlakuan cairan rumen
(2011)Decresing of land for agriculture pushed the exploiting of agricultural and industrial by-products for feedstuff,. Rice straw and onggok represent the by-products that very potential to use for feedstuffs. However these ... -
Pengaruh penggunaan asam lemak omega-3 dan sumber lemak lain dalam ransum terhadap konsentrasi kolesterol dan komponen asam lemak telur puyuh
(2011)The objectives of the research were to study the effect of feeding diets containing different kinds of fat sources on quail egg's cholesterol content and fatty acid composition. Fifty- four quails which were divided into ...