Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 225
(2016-12)Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves, the waste of the tapioca flour industry, contain high levels of crude protein that can be used as a complementary forage for low quality field grass. The study was conducted ... -
Feed additive of betel leaves meal (Piper betle L.) use on ruminants as one of methane mitigation efforts
(2016-07)Methane (CH4) is one class of greenhouse gases that could lead to global warming when the concentration of greenhouse gases in excess. Ruminant is one of the biggest methane contributors in agriculture sector. The aim ... -
Rumen Fermentation and Performance of Sheep Fed Different Level of Cassava Leaf Silage
(2014-11)This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of cassava leaves silage (CLS) addition in substituting concentrate on rumen fermentation characteristics and performance of Javanesse thin tail sheep. Sixteen male sheep ... -
Production, Characterization and Purification of Xylanase From Staphylococcus aureus Mbxi-K4
(2016-10)Pollard is a by-product from dry milling wheat into flour and contains 16,49% of crude fiber. The addition of xylanase in wheat-pollard diet is necessary to reduce viscosity of digesta. Thus could be easily absorbed in ... -
Chitosan Protection To Saga Leaves Extract (Abrus Precatorius Linn) And Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) From Rumen Microbial Degradation
(2016-10)The purpose of research was study the use of 2% chitosan as a protector of herb saga leaves extract (Abrus precatorius Linn) and lingzhi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) from microbial degradation in the rumen in vitro. ... -
Legumes Wafer for Inprovement The Post-Weaning Etawah Crossbreed Goats Performance
(2016-10)This research aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding legumes wafer to improve the performanceof post weaning Etawah Crossbreed goats. The research was designed using completely randomized block with 4 treatments and 4 ... -
Benefit of Kemuning Leaves Meal in Ration Containing Date Fruit Waste to Suppress Gastrointestinal Parasites Infestation of Goats
(2015-09)Nematodiasis is one of the obstacles in achievement optimum milk productivity. Date fruit waste (DFW) is waste from the production of date fruit juice, can be used as animal feed as an energy source, and contain flavonoid. ... -
The Study of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) Addition on the Performance of Rats as Animal Model
(2015-09)The purpose of this study was to examine the addition of Jack Bean (Canavaliaensiformis) in the diet to performances of rats (Rattusnovergicus) as an anima! models to predict post-ruminal absorption. This study useds a ... -
Biodegradation of coffe husk substrate during the mycelia growth of Pleurotus ostreatus and the effect on in vitro digestibility
(2012-07)The aim of this studies were conducted to evaluate culturing of mushroom P.ostreatus on coffee husk in solid state fermentation as means of improving the nutritive value of coffee husk for ruminant animals. The influence ... -
Nutritional Evaluation of Cassabio in The Ration of Local Lambs
(2016-04)The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Cassabio inclusion in concentrate :m performance of local lambs. Twelve thin tailed lambs, aged 6 - 8 months with an average BW 13-1 I:) kg, were divided into four ... -
Hewan Model Satwa Primata Volume I "Macaca Fascicularis Kajian Populasi, Tingkah Laku, Status Nutrien, dan Nutrisi untuk Model Penyakit
(2016-03)Abstrack : Bidang ilmu hewan laboratorium merupakan suatu bidang ilmu yang memerlukan keahlian interdisiplin dan pengetahuan yang komprehensif. Semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan hewan laboratorium yang berkualitas untuk ... -
Cricket Farming in Indonesia: Challenge and Opportunity
(2016-03)Abstrack : Raising non-livestock animals such as bees, worms, silkworms, crickets, mouses, butterflies, birds and other prospective animals is now starting to be recognized since they have several advantages compared to ... -
Diet Untuk Hewan Model
(2015-06)Hewan model atau hewan laboraturium adalah hewan yang diperlakukan dan atau dibuat dengan tujuan agar menyerupai atau mirip dengan objek pengamatan sesungguhnya sesuai yang dikehendaki. Dapat diartikan pula bahwa hewan ... -
Keragaman vegetasi potensial hijauan pakan di areal persawahan pada kondisi ketinggian yang berbeda
(2014-10-28)ABSTRAK : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi' keragaman dan komposisi vegetasi di areal persawahan yang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai hijauan pakan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di 6 kota, yaitu Cianjur, ... -
Respon Broiler Terhadap Air Minum Mengandung Jus Silase Asal Jagung sebagai Alternatif Antibiotik
(2014-11)Abstract - Juice from corn silage has been shown to inhibit the growth of Salmonella spp and E.coli from digestive tract of animals. The aim of this study was to assess the response of broilers to drinking water containing ... -
Evaluasi Pemalsuan Dedak Padi Dengan Penambahan Tepung Kulit Kacang Tanah Menggunakan Uji Fisik
(2014-11)Abstrak - Untuk mengevaluasi perubahan sifat fisik dedak padi akibat penambahan tepung kulit kacang tanah telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan 15 kg dedak padi dan 2 kg tepung kulit kacang tanah. Rancangan acak lengkap ... -
The Characteristic of Phytase Enzyme From Beef Cattle Rumen Liquor Obtained From Abattoir
(2009-11-23)ABSTRACT The aim of this experiment is to utilize the liquor of rumen cattle from abattoir as feed additive, as source of phytase enryme, to increase the quality of broiler ration based on local feed materials. ... -
Pengaruh Kombinasi Penggunaan Probiotik Mikroba Rumen dengan Suplemen Katalitik dalam Pakan tehadap Kecernaan dan Karakteristik Rumen Domba
(2009-12)ABSTRAK KRISNAN, R., B. HARYANTO dan K.G. WIRYAWAN. 2009. Pengaruh kombinasi penggunaan probiotik rnikroba rumen dengan suplemen katalitik dalam pakan terhadap kecernaan dan karakteristik rumen domba. JITV 14(4): 262-269. ... -
Karakteristik Urea Lepas-Lamban pada Berbagai Kadar Molasess dalam Ransum Berbasis Jerami Padi Secara In Vitro
(2009-10)ABSTRACT KARDAYA, D., K.G. WIRYAWAN, A. PARAKKASI dan H.M.WINUGROHO. 2009. Karakteristik lepas-Iamban urea pada berbagai kadar molasess dalam ransum berbasis jerarni padi secara in vitro. fITV 14(3): 177-191. Karakteristik ... -
Bioenergetika Ternak Tropika
(2014-03)Kalorimeter adalah alat untuk mengukur panas. Panas yang dihasilkan dapat berasal dari pembakaran bahan pakan atau dapat berupa energi yang dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh untuk proses metabolisme atau lebih dikenal dengan panas ...