Browsing Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 225
Pengaruh alang-alang (Imporata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.) dalam ransum berbentuk pellet dengan sumber energi dan perbandingan konsentrat hijauan yang berbeda terhadap kwalitas Semen sapi muda peranakan ongole
(1973)Suatu pcnclitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh alang-alang dalam ransum berbentuk pellet dengan sumber energi dan perbandingan konsentrat-hijauan yang berbeda terhadap kwalitas semen sapi muda peranakan Ongole, ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Antiobiotik Terhadap "Performance" Ayam Broiler pada Kandang Berlantai Litter
(1973)Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian antibiotik terhadap pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi makanan, konversi makanan dan mortalitas ayam brolier dengan menggunakan 540 ekor anak ayam broiler ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Bungkil Kelapa dan Cara Pemberian Makanan Terhadap Performasi Babi Sapihan
(1974)Penilitian ini dilakukan di Perusahaan peternakan babi di Kapuk, Jakarta selama 56 hari (10 April sampai dengan 10 juni 1974). Dalam percobaan ini digunakan 72 ekor anak ababi persilangan yang berumur rata-rata dua bulan ... -
Pengaruh Kandang Bertingkat dan Pemberian Makanan Pelengkap Berantibiotika dan Tanpa Antibiotika Terhadap Performance Ayam Pedaging
(1976)Sutu penelitian telah dilakukan di bagian Ilmu Ternak Unggas Depatemen Ilmu Produksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan, Institut Pertanian Bogor selama 8 minggu, mulai tanggal 5 Maret 1976 samai dengan 28 April 1976. Tujuan ... -
Pengaruh Kadar Protein Ransum terhadap Performans Kelinci Lokal
(1983)Twenty five young male local rabbits varied from 630 to 730 gram (695 + 29 gram) were used, to study the effect of protein level on the feed consumption ,grain, conversion, digestibility of energy and TDN. Five rations'were ... -
Perbedaan Nyata Hasil Pengukuran Kadar Air Cairan Rumen dengan Metoda Toluen dan Metoda "Oven"
(1983)The water content of ruminal fluid of sheep was estimated from twenty four sample, using "oven" and toluen methods. Ruminal fluid was collected from sheep that were given a ration consisted of 1% MBS dried cassava 4% from ... -
Optimasi Produksi Susu pada Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Pangalengan, Jawa Barat
(1985)The use of Cobb-Douglass production function to demonstrate the analysis of technical and economic efficiency in traditional dairy farms in Pengalengan had empirical result as follows: optimal input combination of forages ... -
Studi Potensi Setaria Splendida Stapf. sebagai Sumber Energi dan Protein untuk Kebutuhan Hidup Pokok Ternak Domba Jnatan Lokal
(1987)An was conducted to study the potency of setarla splendida stapf to suply energy and protein for -in 6wstesn male heal ciheep of 1-2 year old and 11.60 - 2835 kg of initial weight. Wre obmmvetim3ezb& theenhala wen adapted ... -
Hubungan Pola Makanan Ternak dan Metoda Produksi Ranch Sapi Potong
(1987)The existence of a artain beef cattle production W.tern is fntluenmd by tbe physical as well as wcioeconomic factors. One of the strong dctelaioants is the feed pattamof the specific area. which includes both feed potential ... -
Pengaruh Imbangan Protein dan Energi dalam Ransum terhadap Performans Dua Galur Tipe Petelur Tipe Medium
(1988)The experiment war cirried out in Poultry Division, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agriculture University to study the effect of different energy-protein ratio on the performance of two medium type layers. A total of two ... -
Hubungan Konsumsi Energi dan Protein dengan Bobot Metabolik dan Pertumbuhan pada Sapi Perah
(1988)A record of feeding trials in 160 dairy cattle (12 males, 37 females) was used to study correlation bet en energy (TIN 3 or crude protein (CF) intakes and metabolic weight (W ) and weight gain (G), The animals had an average ... -
Pembentukan Blastosit Secara Fertilisasi In Vitro pada Sapi dari Bangsa dan Konsentrasi Sperma yang Berbeda
(2000)The aim of this research was to asses the influences of cattle breeds and spenn concentrations in producing blastocyst. This research was conducted at The National Livestock Embryo Center, Cipelang, Bogor, from March to ... -
Efek suplementasi asam amino bercabang terhadap fermentabilitas dan kecernaan In vitro ransum berpakan serat sabut sawit
(2000)Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) has been claimed to stimulate microbial growth in the rumen, hence and fiber digestion. Most of the works however, used Valine (Val), Leucine (Leu), or Isoleucine (Ile) as single supplement. ... -
Uji bakteri toleran tanin dan pengaruh inokulasinya terhadap mikroba rumen ternak kambing berpakan Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)
(2000)Three stage experimental trials have been carried out to investigate the ability of tannin tolerant bacteria in reducing tannin concentration and in improving the utilization of calliandra as ruminants feed. The first trial ... -
Pemanfaatan bahan baku lokal untuk industri pakan monyet (maccaca fascicularis) sebagai pengganti pakan import
(2000)An experiment was conducted at the Primate Research Center from March till June 1999. The purpose of this experiment was to compare imported diet to the local ones and to study the effect of its performances on long tail ... -
Adaptasi biologis itik jantan muda lokal terhadap ransum berkadar dedak padi tinggi
(2001)A study on biological adaptability of young-male local-ducks was carried out on 12 farmers in Patarukan, Taman, Ulujlmi and Ampclgading sub-districts of Pemalang DisMct, Central Jawa. Each f m e r raised BO Mojosari ducklings ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Silase Ikan-Gaplek dalam Ransum terhadap Penampilan Itik Lokal
(2001)The objective of this experiment was to observe the effect of fish-cassava silage addition in diet on local duck performance. This experiment was curled out at Field Laboratory of Feed Science and Technology, and Field ...