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dc.contributor.authorAbadi, Reky Marian
dc.description.abstractIncreasing demand for catfish and the need of anticipation for aquaculture productionadecreasedaasaresultafromashrinkageaofacultivatedaland and deturatio n water quality in catfish media causes catfish cultivation should be done intensively by through improvement of culturing technology, one of them is throught utilization of a recirculation system in order to maintain water quality. Therefore, this experiment will observe at changes of water quality that occur in catfish rearingnponds at different stockingadensity whichausinga recirculation system. The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the changes in water quality, growth, survival and differences in the production growth of Sangkuriang catfish Clarias sp. in the outdoor recirculation system with different stocking density as a base for determining the optimal stocking density. The experimentawasaimplementedafromaAugustato Septembera2011,aatathe Installati on ofaAquacultureaEnvironmental Research and Toxicology, Cibalagung, Bogor. The design of the experiment is Randomized Complete Design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments include 50 ekor/m2, 100 ekor/m2 dan 150 ekor/m2. Water quality measurements performed on a regular basis, consisting of physical and chemical character of maintenance water media that ware temperature, pH, DO, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates as well as measurement fish biology parameters include, SR, SGR, the absolute growth weight and length. The results showed that different stocking density that used in each treatment produces changes of water quality still within the normal range for rearing Sangkuriang catfish Clarias sp . The treatment that gives the growth, survival and production results of best is the 150 ekor/en
dc.subjectstocking densityen
dc.subjectwater qualityen
dc.subjectClarias sp.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKualitas media budidaya dan produksi ikan lele sangkuriang Clarias sp. yang dipelihara pada sistem resirkulasi dengan kepadatan berbeda.en

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