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dc.contributor.authorM. Zairin Jr
dc.contributor.authorE. Riani
dc.description.abstractThe methods for hormonal control of shrimp reproduction are very limited, and only eyestalk ablation is used to induce ovarian development and spawning in shrimp farming. The occurrence of vertebrate-type steroid hormones in crustaceans have been reported, however, their physiological role are not sufficiently understood. The present study analyzed the effect of estradiol-17β injection on gonad development of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. The estradiol-17β dose 0.10 μg/g body weight were used. The treatments consisted of control, single injection (day 0) and double injection (day 0 and 6). The females broodstock were cultured for 12 days. The result showed that estradiol-17β had positive effect on gonad development. The gonado somatic index (GSI) and oocytes diameter in treatment larger than the control. Double injection had highest effect with ΔGSI and oocytes diameter was 0.453 and 23.97 μm, respectively. The only oocytes previtelogenesis was found in gonad. It indicated that estradiol-17β important to induce endogenous vitellogenesis. Gonad development probably affected by gonad inhibiting hormone in the eyestalk. It was inhibited oocyte maturation. The polypeptide sub unit was observed in vitellin of ovari by SDS-PAGE. The molecular weights of approximately 95, 98, 109 and two units higher than 118 kDa of protein marker.en
dc.publisherBudidaya Perairan FPIK-IPB
dc.subjectLitopenaeus vannameien
dc.titlePengaruh Penyuntikan Estradiol-17Β Pada Perkembangan Gonad Induk Udang Putih (Litopenaeus vannamei)en
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Estradiol-17β Injection on Gonad Development of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)en

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