Morphological Study Of The Intensine Of The Java Treeshrew (Tupaia javanica)
Studi Morfologi Usus Tupai Jawa (Tupaia javanica)

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Agungpriyono, Srihadi
Kusindarto, Dwi Liliek
Nisa, Chairun
Hondo, Eiichi
Kurohmaru, Masamichi
Yamada, Junzo
Show full item recordAbstract
The morphology of the intestinal tract of Java tree shrew (Tupaia javanica) was studied using macroscopic, light and scanning electron-microscopic methods. The intestine was short in proportion to body lenght. The proportion of 1:3 was between the insectivores and carnivores. The large intestine was simple with small caecum and short descending colon. There were no ascending or transverse colon. The mucosal surface of the small intestine showed mucosal folds and intestinal villi, which varied in their shape, size and density depend on the portions of the intestine. The large intestine had longitudinal mucosal folds. The villi were finger-or tongue-like in the duodenal and jejunal parts, and low thick column-shaped in the ileal part. The epithelium and intestinal glands consisted of absorptive cells, goblet cells, and endocrine cells. Eosinophilic granular (paneth) cells were found in the intestinal glands of small intestine and caecum. The morphology of the intestine of the java treeshrew is more closely resembles those of the carnivores or omnivores than those of the true insectivores.
- Media Veteriner [107]