Analisis Dampak Sumber Modal Terhadap Produksi Dan Keuntungan Usaha Tambak Udang 01 Kecamatan Muara Badak Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara

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Boa, Handayani
Syaukat, Yusman
Fahmi, Idqan
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The government of Kulai Kartanegara Regency Indicates that the problem of shrimp pond's business production and profit has been going down Bnd being stagnant in Muara 8adak. It is caused by capital source i.e own capital, ponggawa, bank loan and government loan. And directly capital source influenced different of quantity, input and output cost. In fact, the performance of lending mechanism is inefficient. The objectives of this research were to analyze the effect and capital source condition and lending mechanism of capital source to production and profit. Econometrics approach was used to solve the problem through production and profit function. OLS and fPA were applied in this research. The result of estimated parameter and perception of fish farmer related to lending mechanism were used as policy implication. The result showed that capital loan from ponggawa, bank, and government were used only as working capital and the mechanism of capital loan from ponggawa was better than the other. It was caused by easier requirement and procedure application for lending is better facility and its services, free of charge lending mechanism and relatively clearance time of credit. Production raie of fish farmer who related to ponggawa were lower than the other. However, profit rate of fish farmer who related own capital were higher than the other.
- Forum Pascasarjana [56]