Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan Dalam Pengering Rotari Tumpukan

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Nelwan, Leopold O.
Suastawa, I Nengah
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A math6m81icaJ model 01 t;he/Jed com drying has been dBWJ/opMJ &I OtdBr to simulate /he distnbu60tl 01 dtying air I&mp8rature and humidity lIS WBiI as the grain moisllHe content In a rotsf)' bed dryvr. The model II'lI$ bB'lfJd on hoot end mess balance of cyllndrlcal peckfJd bed of gfllin I'IIIh alrllow pessing through the bed. WllBneWJr the air fIIIatiWJ humidity is higher /han the aquilibrium moistUffl comllilt /I is 8S8IJI'I'IfId tha condensation proo8SS will be occurred. Finita difrerance method with Euler sdJsme was USlKJ to petform the computatJon. The fflSIJf !/howv(J /hat the model dfHuIoped C8f! prodIct the distribution of QnIIn /tImptImturu and rnoishJro con19llt. The simulation conducl.9d showed /hatlhGra would be a wKkl variBlion of moisture content and temperature if rnOOng WH noI. applied during the dtying proo8SS. MOOng was BignifIcanIJy r9duc8d the moIaturB content variation until II maximum of 0.8% w.b.