Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Pada Tingkat Psikososial Dan Kualitas Kesejahteraan Personal Mahasiswa (Kasus Di Dept.GMSK-FAPERTA-IPB)
The study was expected to prove the theory of Bronfenbrenner that the individual's human quality depens on the interactions between systems of individual characteristics, a micro family environment, and meso and exo environments. The goal of the study was to examine the factors influencing undergraduate students psychosocial and quality of personal well-being. The study was conducted at the department of Community Nutrition and Family Studies, College of Agricultural University in September-October 2005. The survey method used a purposive or non-probability sampling with total of 121 undergraduate student. A structural Equation Modelling was used in this anlysis. Result pointed out that respondents were coming from middle upper economic strata and small size families. In general, it can be known that most respondents had introvert personality, had a medium level of self esteem, had a low level of stress symptoms, had a quite good quality of personal coping solutions, had a medium level of receiving social support, and had a medium level of quality of personal well-being. Based on SEM analysis, the quality of personal well-being was directly influenced positively by students, self asteem, and was indirectly influenced by negative of social supports of family and friends.