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dc.contributor.authorN, Ratri Ariatmi
dc.contributor.authorMangunwidjaja, Djumali
dc.contributor.authorSuryani, Ani
dc.description.abstractPolyol is a material which had been used in wide specttum of industries; as row material of polyurethane, base oil of lubricant, and etc. Polyol can be synthesized by hydrorylation process of curcas epoxide, which characterized by reduction of oxirane value of its epoxide. Acid catalyst is used in the lrydroxylation process; heterogenuous and homogenuous catalyst. The objective of the.researh is to identifu the effect of catalyt sort of,, its concentration, and their interaction to descend oryrane value of epoxide to polyol. Data was analyzed by Analysis Varians of response catalyt. lts indicate there is significant difference between research variables to determination coefficient; R&quare is 99,23 %. Hydrorylation process with solid acid catalyst showed the reduction of oxyrane value because of ring opening to oxyrane by zeolite catalyst is lower than bentonite catalyst. Model of response ok catalyst in the hydroxylation process is y : -9. jt,428 + 1.087428 x , with signiJicance test model result R2 is 0.77.en
dc.publisherFTI Universitas layabaya
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 1 No. 2, September;
dc.subjecthtdroryl ationen
dc.subjecthet erogenuous cat alysten
dc.subjectoryrane valueen
dc.titleKajian Jenis dan Jumlah Katalisator pada Pembuatan Poliol dari Epoksi Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas oil)en

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