Rekayasa Sistem Rantai Pasokan Berbasis Jaringan Pada Bahan Baku Agroindustri Farmasi

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Adiarni, Nunuk
Jamaran, Irawadi
Fauji, Anas M.
Rijal Sjarief
Show full item recordAbstract
The objecfrve of this 1lIS611rd! was /0 develop rhe nelloorl<-oosed IlIW wpply cham system for pharmaceutICal agmiflduslry thaI WOIJld be 80" 1:I1'IaIt;I5e' farmer's incomft and $UstainabUWy Under.well II .frstam. fSmHJfS N _ ....... 01 !he nelWod: ~ Q(Jin /JIOilI benefits I~ they ~ from /he ...... ~ supply eMJII The ne!worl<-based supply chain .system was '_ljj$JC'..o by connecting farmef'$, grwp of hlrmers lind central man~r of /hit network. Using resulls of ttlll nelworl! sltUcluring by Interpretative strudurf/ "u t /ling Wldicated thai the $lTuCtUfe lind sjlSlem we", r:ritJl;aJ eJement::s for cItJdyIng /urIctiOO to IISS<Iro intefJraIed ptQCe!lS. The fflsUt 01 ClISfOtIIef3 ' ptVfeIunc:;e snalysi$ usmg qualify furIcIi::tn deployment (QFD) showed rlJal W8ter COtlwnl stMdarc/ end deanlineM of the material should be rosponsiblfJd by momOOf3' of the nfJtworl<. However. the lIIIalionship be/WMn memb9rs of the fJ8/Wot1{ would be ae/IIeYed in COI'>dWon each member showt:HJ commitment 8tId WIlegnty CCnflid 81111ysis wiItIin /1Ie ne/Worl< uganlz.!X;!n u$ingo 1In~ '-"rr;hy process (AHP) i#ust/llf8(l 11181 !he managerl1(lnl of fIiInmng /Jv$lfless was ""'Y pO/8nMI /0 /ngfJer con~iclS and required continuous $OIuliDll on guidance and $lXW1i~ation Ve~IIon of ~ networlr prr:wed thaI farmers IWlUId gain 23_(5" b::teas(! of noome compar8d WIth tTadifionat $UppIy chain and mel'llbeffll'lOOld $1M _ Rp 93 OOO.""'-~1'ear '" an ~ incenw, that 10% of /he mSfgln d /he M/WOrlI was reserved Fmancial ana/}'Sill proclucw feaSible decision. wirto NPV Rp 2 229 719 300.-. IRR 22 7(5". paybacJ< p&riod (month} 752 Tile n9rworlr should be operated al 1 !SlH ~ar /0 be distributed /0 Zinglber officJnale 46". Cun;:uma xanl1romza II". Curcuma dome5bcae 15" and 27% otIlef3 heIf1- /7IfJdicJJ,a/ planl of ZingiOeraceae familill_ Such rawlt would be ac/Ii$ved with Ilia assumpl/Ol'l thaI fhllra woold b6 svpportW by 620 farmef3 bl'tS8d on 0 2 hlllfarTrnlr and valid wi/h ophmisllC condl/IOO '" in~1ed by BCOR tewlt_ Cons.01oenng tile Iatmer.s. wuaknesses. lila imp/cJnIen/abon would be ptOpOS8d (JII(J¥ four stages S!IlIlegy in/tJated by indvSlry and suppotfe(t by go.oemment. The 00tIditi0n mqvrred /he commltmenl of indvslty /0 abSOltl the wpply of herbal plants and tile prasef1C6 01 tml fac~illltors pllly lin ,mpottanl roJlI 10 empowllr Ille farmers and blJiId leaming
- Forum Pascasarjana [56]